Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => Live Updates => Topic started by: IrishTom on March 16, 2019, 14:38:13 PM

Title: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 16, 2019, 14:38:13 PM

And we're off and running here in Edinburgh with a full house 120 players and an Alternates List started with Late Entry open until the start of Level 4 (4:45pm)...

Saturday 16th Mar 2019

14:30- (12 levels) - Main Event APAT Scottish Amateur Poker Championship (NLHE Freezeout) Day 1 - £75+£12 with 20k chips on a 40 min clock.  Structure HERE ( with late entry to start of Level 4.  No Deals allowed.  The winner of the Amateur Poker Championship will win an added value prize of a 'GUKPT Main Event Seat' worth £560'

20:00 NLHE (1 x re-entry allowed) - £33+£7 with 10k chips on a 20 min clock with late entry to start of Level 4.  Deals allowed.

Sunday 17th Mar 2019

12:00 - Main Event APAT Scottish Amateur Poker Championship Day 2

13:00 NLHE (1 x re-entry allowed) - £33+£7 with 10k chips on a 30 min clock with late entry to start of Level 5.  Deals allowed.

15:00 PLO (1 x re-entry allowed) - £33+£7 with 15k chips on a 20 min clock with late entry to start of Level 5.  Deals allowed.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 14:48:55 PM
Two exits in the first 10 minutes here!

The players are unknown until the player list is sent through - GDPR practices take a little longer.

The first exit was the age old 6 bet all in and call with KK v AA. Aces hold.

The second exit came after a flop of Qs 10d 10c

Several players took part in a raising war resulting in two all ins.

The player at risk shows Ad 10s for flopped trips.

However, the other player tables Qd Qc and the board doesn't improve for Ad 10s and he is out.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 15:08:47 PM
The first player out was Steven Smart, taken out by the Aces of Stuart Williamson.

The name of the second out was Harry Thornton and his Ad 10s was bested by the Qd Qc of Alan Brady.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: IrishTom on March 16, 2019, 15:12:48 PM
Today's player list in table/seat order:

   Mchenry   Paul      1      1   
   Crane   Lee      1      2   
   Kirkwood   James      1      3   
   Maybasilgan   Idris      1      4   
   Hartley   David      1      5   
   Mcglynn   John Anthony      1      6   
   Burnhill   Benjamin      1      7   
   Keay   Steven      1      8   
   Maclennan   Gary      1      9   
   Kearns   Charles Paul      1      10   
   Ward   Ciaran      2      1   
   Cockburn   George      2      2   
   Long   Shaun      2      3   
   Sneddon   Ian      2      4   
   Lackenby   Jamie      2      5   
   Wilkie   Norman      2      6   
   Snow   Raymond Charles      2      7   
   Parks   David      2      8   
   Macdougall   Peter      2      9   
   Kernachan   Paul      2      10   
   Prentice   David      3      1   
   Thornton   Harry      3      2   
   Paterson   Gordon George      3      2   
   Spoor   Sean      3      3   
   Bailie   Alastair      3      4   
   Renton   Kieran      3      5   
   Skeath   Chris      3      6   
   Murdie   Derek      3      7   
   Fullarton   Ross      3      8   
   Ross   Shane Jan      3      9   
   Brady   Alan      3      10   
   Green   Andrew      4      1   
   Wolny   Jaroslaw Jerzy      4      2   
   kearns   jamie      4      3   
   Mcgrath   Asa Daniel      4      4   
   Gilchrist   Neil Gow      4      5   
   Tierney   James      4      6   
   Duncan   David      4      7   
   Cullen   Barrie      4      8   
   Gibb   Alexander Naysmith      4      9   
   Morrison   Roddy      4      10   
   Sood   Arvind      5      1   
   Thomson   Graham      5      2   
   Dunlop   Joseph Henry      5      3   
   Parish   Anne Margaret      5      4   
   Dewar   David      5      5   
   tighe   thomas      5      6   
   Wyse   David      5      7   
   Parks   Michelle      5      8   
   Ayre   Iain William      5      9   
   Chalmers   Kevin      5      10   
   Meighan Jnr   Michael      6      1   
   Gaspar   Vasile      6      2   
   Allan   James      6      3   
   Venters   Pamela      6      4   
   Meighan   Nicola      6      5   
   Bouchier   Benjamin      6      6   
   Cairnie   Hugh      6      7   
   Cheam   Carol Barbour      6      8   
   Wallace   John      6      9   
   Carnie   Alexander Small      6      10   
   Cochrane   John Gordon      7      1   
   Somerville   David      7      2   
   Smart   Steven      7      3   
   Gordon   Alexander Thomas      7      3   
   Cunningham   Colin      7      4   
   Fergusson   George      7      5   
   Gormley   Daniel John      7      6   
   Dawson   Craig      7      7   
   Pickering   Neil      7      8   
   Power   Kevin      7      9   
   Williamson   Stuart      7      10   
   Bathgate   Andrew      8      1   
   Morris   David      8      2   
   Massinon   Laetitia      8      3   
   Meighan   David      8      4   
   Myatt   Stephen      8      5   
   Simpson   Craig      8      6   
   Walker   Michael Eagle      8      7   
   Raeburn   James      8      8   
   Iliev   Radoslav      8      9   
   Lowe   John      8      10   
   Jackson   Gavin      9      1   
   Gray   James      9      2   
   Mcleod   William      9      3   
   Whiteford   Andy      9      4   
   Fullarton   Mark      9      5   
   Mclean   James      9      6   
   Wilson   Scott      9      7   
   Bachoo   Jamie      9      8   
   Rooney   David      9      9   
   Bazley   Luc      9      10   
   Swan   Ian      10      1   
   Law   Ronald      10      2   
   Guild   Andrew      10      3   
   Drennan   Alexander      10      4   
   Allan   Stuart      10      5   
   Galloway   Andrew      10      6   
   Hazley   Jonathan      10      7   
   Prandstatter   Stephen Gert      10      8   
   Wilson   Andew      10      9   
   Peal   Gillian      10      10   
   Nichols   Thomas      11      1   
   Cheung   Kee Tak      11      2   
   Banks   Graham      11      3   
   Minnis   Damian      11      4   
   Meighan   Michael      11      5   
   Noble   Tom Craig      11      6   
   Gillam   Paul William      11      7   
   Priester   Dan      11      8   
   Carrhill   Joseph      11      9   
   Duncan   Alan      11      10   
   Guild   Peter      12      1   
   mchugh   chris      12      2   
   Mclelland   Gary      12      3   
   White   Stuart Edward      12      4   
   Michael   Pierpoint      12      5   
   Higgins   William James      12      6   
   Donaldson   Donald      12      7   
   Gilles   Benoit Didier      12      8   
   Wood   David      12      9   
   Scott   Malcolm Hedley      12      10   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: IrishTom on March 16, 2019, 15:13:53 PM
In Surname order:

   Allan   James      6      3   
   Allan   Stuart      10      5   
   Ayre   Iain William      5      9   
   Bachoo   Jamie      9      8   
   Bailie   Alastair      3      4   
   Banks   Graham      11      3   
   Bathgate   Andrew      8      1   
   Bazley   Luc      9      10   
   Bouchier   Benjamin      6      6   
   Brady   Alan      3      10   
   Burnhill   Benjamin      1      7   
   Cairnie   Hugh      6      7   
   Carnie   Alexander Small      6      10   
   Carrhill   Joseph      11      9   
   Chalmers   Kevin      5      10   
   Cheam   Carol Barbour      6      8   
   Cheung   Kee Tak      11      2   
   Cochrane   John Gordon      7      1   
   Cockburn   George      2      2   
   Crane   Lee      1      2   
   Cullen   Barrie      4      8   
   Cunningham   Colin      7      4   
   Dawson   Craig      7      7   
   Dewar   David      5      5   
   Donaldson   Donald      12      7   
   Drennan   Alexander      10      4   
   Duncan   David      4      7   
   Duncan   Alan      11      10   
   Dunlop   Joseph Henry      5      3   
   Fergusson   George      7      5   
   Fullarton   Ross      3      8   
   Fullarton   Mark      9      5   
   Galloway   Andrew      10      6   
   Gaspar   Vasile      6      2   
   Gibb   Alexander Naysmith      4      9   
   Gilchrist   Neil Gow      4      5   
   Gillam   Paul William      11      7   
   Gilles   Benoit Didier      12      8   
   Gordon   Alexander Thomas      7      3   
   Gormley   Daniel John      7      6   
   Gray   James      9      2   
   Green   Andrew      4      1   
   Guild   Andrew      10      3   
   Guild   Peter      12      1   
   Hartley   David      1      5   
   Hazley   Jonathan      10      7   
   Higgins   William James      12      6   
   Iliev   Radoslav      8      9   
   Jackson   Gavin      9      1   
   Kearns   Charles Paul      1      10   
   kearns   jamie      4      3   
   Keay   Steven      1      8   
   Kernachan   Paul      2      10   
   Kirkwood   James      1      3   
   Lackenby   Jamie      2      5   
   Law   Ronald      10      2   
   Long   Shaun      2      3   
   Lowe   John      8      10   
   Macdougall   Peter      2      9   
   Maclennan   Gary      1      9   
   Massinon   Laetitia      8      3   
   Maybasilgan   Idris      1      4   
   Mcglynn   John Anthony      1      6   
   Mcgrath   Asa Daniel      4      4   
   Mchenry   Paul      1      1   
   mchugh   chris      12      2   
   Mclean   James      9      6   
   Mclelland   Gary      12      3   
   Mcleod   William      9      3   
   Meighan   Nicola      6      5   
   Meighan   David      8      4   
   Meighan   Michael      11      5   
   Meighan Jnr   Michael      6      1   
   Michael   Pierpoint      12      5   
   Minnis   Damian      11      4   
   Morris   David      8      2   
   Morrison   Roddy      4      10   
   Murdie   Derek      3      7   
   Myatt   Stephen      8      5   
   Nichols   Thomas      11      1   
   Noble   Tom Craig      11      6   
   Parish   Anne Margaret      5      4   
   Parks   David      2      8   
   Parks   Michelle      5      8   
   Paterson   Gordon George      3      2   
   Peal   Gillian      10      10   
   Pickering   Neil      7      8   
   Power   Kevin      7      9   
   Prandstatter   Stephen Gert      10      8   
   Prentice   David      3      1   
   Priester   Dan      11      8   
   Raeburn   James      8      8   
   Renton   Kieran      3      5   
   Rooney   David      9      9   
   Ross   Shane Jan      3      9   
   Scott   Malcolm Hedley      12      10   
   Simpson   Craig      8      6   
   Skeath   Chris      3      6   
   Smart   Steven      7      3   
   Sneddon   Ian      2      4   
   Snow   Raymond Charles      2      7   
   Somerville   David      7      2   
   Sood   Arvind      5      1   
   Spoor   Sean      3      3   
   Swan   Ian      10      1   
   Thomson   Graham      5      2   
   Thornton   Harry      3      2   
   Tierney   James      4      6   
   tighe   thomas      5      6   
   Venters   Pamela      6      4   
   Walker   Michael Eagle      8      7   
   Wallace   John      6      9   
   Ward   Ciaran      2      1   
   White   Stuart Edward      12      4   
   Whiteford   Andy      9      4   
   Wilkie   Norman      2      6   
   Williamson   Stuart      7      10   
   Wilson   Scott      9      7   
   Wilson   Andew      10      9   
   Wolny   Jaroslaw Jerzy      4      2   
   Wood   David      12      9   
   Wyse   David      5      7   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 15:28:42 PM
All the chips go into the middle on the river.

The board is Kc 7c Qh 5h 7s

Steven Myat shows Ks Kd for the rivered full house.

But David Meighan turns over 7d 7h for the rivered quads and doubles up.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 15:36:28 PM
There is something in the air here...

Michael Meighan Jr and Vasile Gasper get them all in on the river.

There is an Ace and two 4's on the board.

Michael has pocket Aces for a full house.

Vasile has pocket 4's for the flopped set and rivered quads.

Michael is reduced to fumes.

Nicki Meighan takes only a small amount of joy in knocking him out next hand...
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: pokerpops on March 16, 2019, 15:55:47 PM
There is something in the air here...

Michael Meighan Jr and Vasile Gasper get them all in on the river.

There is an Ace and two 4's on the board.

Michael has pocket Aces for a full house.

Vasile has pocket 4's for the flopped set and rivered quads.

Michael is reduced to fumes.

Nicki Meighan takes only a small amount of joy in knocking him out next hand...

Are the dealers hoping to get it finished in time to watch the rugby?
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 16:00:50 PM
There is something in the air here...

Michael Meighan Jr and Vasile Gasper get them all in on the river.

There is an Ace and two 4's on the board.

Michael has pocket Aces for a full house.

Vasile has pocket 4's for the flopped set and rivered quads.

Michael is reduced to fumes.

Nicki Meighan takes only a small amount of joy in knocking him out next hand...

Are the dealers hoping to get it finished in time to watch the rugby?

It is beginning to feel that way!
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 16:14:28 PM
The flop is 3d 10d 4c and there is around 3,700 in the pot.

There has been a bet of 1700. Keiran Renton ships for just under 11k and is called by Alan brady.

Keiran, at risk, has top pair with Jc 10c

Alan shows to pair 4h 5h

Turn is 8d

River is Jh

Keiran snatches the win on the river, avoids elimination and more than doubles up.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: IrishTom on March 16, 2019, 16:31:36 PM
We complete 3 levels and reach the first break during which we've got a selection of the top/bottom chip stacks...

   McHugh   Chris      58,000   
   Gaspar   Vasile      57,000   
   Fergusson   George      49,000   
   Kirkwood   James      44,000   
   Bailie   Alastair      43,000   
   Gibb   Alexander Naysmith      43,000   
   Law   Ronald      41,000   
   Hazley   Jonathan      33,000   
   Iliev   Radoslav      31,000   
   Gormley   Daniel John      12,000   
   Bathgate   Andrew      12,000   
   Bazley   Luc      10,000   
   Meighan   David      9,000   
   Thomson   Graham      8,000   
   Cochrane   John Gordon      8,000   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 17:09:36 PM
Ben Burnhill adds a nice pot to his stack -

With blinds at 100/200, James Kirkwood makes it 500.

Ben re-raises to 1500.

Steven Keay, in the small blind calls as does James.

They all check the Qc 2c 2h flop and Ben takes it down with a bet of 2k on the 7d turn.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 17:10:15 PM
The pot is around 20k by the river, with bets on all streets fired by Benjamin Bouchier.

The board is 3c 7s 8s 3d 8c and Benjamin bets 2500.

Alexander Carnie makes the call and Nicki Meighan folds, having missed her up and down straight flush draw.

Alexander shows 10c 10s

Benjamin takes the pot with Qs Qc
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 17:14:57 PM
List of busts so far:

Steven Smart Harry Thornton
David Wood
Michael Meighan Jnr
John Wallace
Sean Spoon
Colin Cunningham
Gillian Peal
Joseph Henry Dunlop
Peter MacDougall
Donald Donaldson
Dan Priester
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 17:20:10 PM
William McLeod is all in.

There is around 10k in the pot and the board has run out 8d 5d 5s 2d 4s

Scott Wilson has already bet 5k and William's shove is for just under 12k.

Scott finds a fold and is rewarded with the sight of William's 8c 8s

Scott announces that he folded Kd 5c
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 17:26:15 PM
David Morris makes it 600 pre flop.

Laetitia Massinon, David Meighan and Michael E. Walker all mke the call.

3s Jc 9c

Michael checks, David Morris bets 1300, Laetitia and David Meighan both make the call, Michael folds.

Turn is 8d

David Morris bets 2k which only David Meighan calls.

The river is 4s

David Morris bets and David Meighan calls instantly and shows 3c 4c

David Morris shows Ad Jh meaning David Meighan's 2 pair takes the pot.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 17:30:36 PM
Benjamin Bouchier and Nicki Meighan see a flop following pre flop raises.

Qs 3d 3c

Nicki leads out, Benjamin ships over the top - covering Nicki, Nicki makes the call.

Nicki has Kd Ks
Benjamin has Ad A s

Nicki doesn't find a king and is bust from the tournament.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 17:46:33 PM
Paolo Bronzina, in early position, raises it to 700.

Sat to his left, Alastair Bailie makes the call.

Chris Skeath then makes it 3200

It folds round to Gordon G Paterson who moves all in.

Paolo and Alistair fold with reasonable ease.

Chris asks for a count - just over 14k total. He thinks for a minute and makes the call.

Gordon, at risk, shows Ad Ks

Chris shows Qs 10s

Alistair gets annoyed because he "folded Jacks"

2c 9s Kd 6s A s

Chris gets the flush on the river to send Gordon to the rail.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 18:12:03 PM
4 players call the raise to 2k pre and see a flop of 9h Jc 5c

James Kirkwood bets 3500.

John Anth McGlynn moves all in over the top.

The other two fold and it is back round to James - he asks for a count and it's 17,500 total, 14,000 more.

He makes the call and shows Kc Qc

John shows 9c 9s he needs to avoid a club and a 10 to survive.

The turn is 6c James takes the lead with the flush.

Jh river. The board pairs to give John the full house and the double up.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 18:33:36 PM
 Steven Keay makes it 1100 - blinds are 200/400/400

Lee Crane, David Hartley and Ben Burnhill all make the call.

They all check the Qc A s 2h flop.

9c turn

Ben checks, Steven bets 1600, Lee and David fold.

Ben raises to 4200

Steven tanks and calls

7h Ben bets 7700

Steven thinks for some time before folding.

Ben shows 3c 4h
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 18:36:30 PM
It's a 5k pot, 4d 8c Js 2h Qs

David Prentice has moved all in for just under 3k and Paolo Bronzina is encouraged into making the call by David!

Paolo shows 7c 7s
David has Ah Ac and doubles up.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2018
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 18:50:16 PM
3d 3c 2s 5s 4s

Raymond Snow is all in and has been instantly called by Paul Kernachan.

Raymond quickly realises his full house with 5h 5c is no good against Paul holding A s 3s giving him the straight flush.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 18:56:18 PM
David Somerville makes it 900 in early position.

Grant Anderson makes it 2500

George Ferguson calls as does David.

9h 3h 4c

David checks, Graant bets 2500, George calls.

David raises to 8500.

Grant moves all in for over 20k

George folds and David instantly calls and flips 4s 4h

Grant looks crestfallen as he turns his A s Ah

2s turn and 6d river are no help to Grant and he is out.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 18:56:48 PM
Players are now on the 30 minute dinner break.

Chips counts and busts to follow.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 16, 2019, 19:37:07 PM
Chips stacks during the dinner break - coming back to Level 7 @ 200 / 500 (500) :

   mchugh   chris      80,000   
   Swan   Ian      73,000   
   Kirkwood   James      66,000   
   Bouchier   Benjamin      59,600   
   Somerville   David      59,000   
   Prandstatter   Stephen Gert      55,000   
   Mcglynn   John Anthony      55,000   
   Gilles   Benoit Didier      51,000   
   Noble   Tom Craig      46,000   
   Fullarton   Ross      46,000   
   Gaspar   Vasile      45,000   
   Kernachan   Paul      45,000   
   Bathgate   Andrew      44,500   
   Gibb   Alexander Naysmith      44,000   
   Cockburn   George      44,000   
   Venters   Pamela      43,000   
   Hazley   Jonathan      43,000   
   Nichols   Thomas      42,000   
   Iliev   Radoslav      41,000   
   Pickering   Neil      39,500   
   Scott   Malcolm Hedley      38,000   
   Sood   Arvind      37,000   
   Lackenby   Jamie      37,000   
   Fergusson   George      36,500   
   Wilson   Scott      36,000   
   Bailie   Alastair      36,000   
   Williamson   Stuart      35,200   
   Jackson   Gavin      35,000   
   Bronzina   Paolo      35,000   
   Murdie   Derek      35,000   
   Cheung   Kee Tak      33,000   
   Long   Shaun      33,000   
   Power   Kevin      32,000   
   Allan   James      32,000   
   Gordon   Alexander Thomas      31,500   
   Massinon   Laetitia      31,000   
   Parish   Anne Margaret      31,000   
   Ross   Shane Jan      30,000   
   Wyse   David      29,000   
   Ayre   Iain William      29,000   
   Kearns   Charles Paul      29,000   
   Carrhill   Joseph      28,000   
   Gray   James      27,000   
   Sneddon   Ian      27,000   
   Tierney   James      25,000   
   Allan   Stuart      24,600   
   Simpson   Craig      24,500   
   Guild   Andrew      24,400   
   Green   Andrew      23,000   
   Gilchrist   Neil Gow      23,000   
   Wilkie   Norman      23,000   
   Meighan   Michael      23,000   
   Mchenry   Paul      23,000   
   Morris   David      21,000   
   Skeath   Chris      21,000   
   Bachoo   Jamie      20,500   
   Burnhill   Benjamin      20,000   
   Mcleod   William      19,500   
   Cheam   Carol Barbour      19,000   
   Parks   Michelle      19,000   
   Gillam   Paul William      18,800   
   Fullarton   Mark      18,600   
   Mcgrath   Asa Daniel      17,000   
   Cullen   Barrie      17,000   
   Crane   Lee      17,000   
   Myatt   Stephen      16,800   
   Whiteford   Andy      16,400   
   Dewar   David      16,000   
   Duncan   David      16,000   
   Minnis   Damian      15,000   
   Mclean   James      14,000   
   Rooney   David      14,000   
   Guild   Peter      14,000   
   Raeburn   James      13,000   
   tighe   thomas      13,000   
   Morrison   Roddy      13,000   
   Lowe   John      12,500   
   Galloway   Andrew      12,000   
   Duncan   Alan      11,000   
   Maclennan   Gary      10,000   
   Dawson   Craig      8,000   
   Wolny   Jaroslaw Jerzy      8,000   
   Prentice   David      8,000   
   Brady   Alan      7,000   
   Ward   Ciaran      5,000   
   Higgins   William James      4,500   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 19:39:47 PM
Exits as of the dinner break:

Nicki Meighan
Michael Pierpoint
Alexander Carnie
Graham Banks
Kevin Chalmers
John Gordon Cochrane
Ronald Law
Graham Thompson
Gordon George Paterson
Hugh Cairnie
Stuart Edward White
Sandy Drennan
Gary McLelland
David Parks
Kieran Renton
Luc Bazley
David meighan
Daniel John Gormley
Andrew Wilson
David Hartley
Michael Eagle Walker
Jamie Kearns
Idris Maybasilgan
Raymond Charles Snow
Steven Keay
William James Higgins
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 20:44:37 PM
With blinds at 300/600/600, Andrew Guild makes it 1800 from the button.

Craig Dawson ships for 15k from the small blind.

Big blind folds and Andrew makes the call.

Craig shows A s Kc
Andrew has him covered but is slightly behind with Ad Qd

10s 4s 6s 3s 2c

Craig improves to a flush and gets the double.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 20:51:08 PM
Malcolm Scott makes it 2400 pre flop and is called by Chris McHugh.

9h Jh 3s

Malcolm ships and Chris calls.

Chris shows 9d 8h

Malcolm is ahead with Js Jc and has Chris covered.

7h turn gives Chris the gut shot and the flush draw but the 3c river means he is out.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 21:53:55 PM
Eliminations as of the final break of Day 1:

David Rooney
Paul McHenry
James Kirkwood
Chris Skeath
James Raeburn
David Duncan
Stephen Myatt
Stuart Williamson
Michael Meighan
Jaroslaw Jerzy Wolny
Michelle Parks
Andrew Galloway
Laetitia Massinon
Chris McHugh
Alan Brady
Chrales Paul Kearns
Lee Crane
George Fergusson
Ben Burnhill
David Prentice
Kevin Power
Andrew Green
James Tierney
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 16, 2019, 21:54:24 PM
Final break of Day 1 and we have a full chip count, players coming back to 500 / 1000 (1000):

   Scott   Malcolm Hedley      128,000   
   Swan   Ian      121,000   
   Somerville   David      116,000   
   Morrison   Roddy      95,500   
   Fullarton   Ross      95,000   
   Cheam   Carol Barbour      75,000   
   Long   Shaun      75,000   
   Maclennan   Gary      67,000   
   Wilson   Scott      67,000   
   Carrhill   Joseph      61,000   
   Kernachan   Paul      61,000   
   Noble   Tom Craig      61,000   
   Pickering   Neil      56,000   
   Ward   Ciaran      56,000   
   Gordon   Alexander Thomas      55,000   
   Hazley   Jonathan      55,000   
   Allan   James      52,000   
   Bathgate   Andrew      52,000   
   Cheung   Kee Tak      50,000   
   Prandstatter   Stephen Gert      49,000   
   Sood   Arvind      48,000   
   Bronzina   Paolo      44,000   
   Lackenby   Jamie      44,000   
   Simpson   Craig      42,000   
   Bailie   Alastair      41,000   
   Minnis   Damian      39,000   
   tighe   thomas      39,000   
   Fullarton   Mark      34,000   
   Mcglynn   John Anthony      34,000   
   Cockburn   George      33,000   
   Murdie   Derek      33,000   
   Gillam   Paul William      32,500   
   Gaspar   Vasile      32,000   
   Gilchrist   Neil Gow      32,000   
   Mcgrath   Asa Daniel      32,000   
   Allan   Stuart      31,000   
   Guild   Andrew      27,000   
   Venters   Pamela      27,000   
   Gibb   Alexander Naysmith      26,500   
   Nichols   Thomas      26,000   
   Ross   Shane Jan      24,000   
   Lowe   John      23,000   
   Sneddon   Ian      23,000   
   Gilles   Benoit Didier      22,500   
   Parish   Anne Margaret      22,000   
   Duncan   Alan      21,000   
   Ayre   Iain William      20,000   
   Mcleod   William      20,000   
   Wyse   David      20,000   
   Cullen   Barrie      19,000   
   Wilkie   Norman      19,000   
   Gray   James      17,000   
   Bouchier   Benjamin      16,000   
   Iliev   Radoslav      15,000   
   Jackson   Gavin      15,000   
   Whiteford   Andy      14,000   
   Dawson   Craig      12,500   
   Morris   David      11,500   
   Bachoo   Jamie      11,000   
   Dewar   David      10,500   
   Guild   Peter      4,500   
   Mclean   James      4,500   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 22:15:19 PM
Iain Ayre gets a full double up with A s Js v Ah 2h

He is now on around 10k with blinds at 500/1000....
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: ian.ski309 on March 16, 2019, 22:16:38 PM
VBOL to Joe Carr Hill, Asa McGrath and Craig Dawson, bring it home lads !  :)
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 22:37:30 PM
Blinds are 600/1200/1200, there is already over 25k in the pot and Jamie Lackenby and Radoslav Lilev have their cards in front of them.

The flop comes over 8h 3d 8d

Radoslav bets 12.5k

Jamie moves all in and has Radoslav covered.

Radoslav quickly calls and declares "kings" showing Kd Kc

Jamie shows Ad Qd

9d 10h

Radoslav Lilev is bust.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 16, 2019, 22:54:46 PM
The flop is 9h Jd 2s

There is a bet of 6k, a call of 6k, a raise to 19k and an all in to 27k.

The OR, Gary Maclennan, then says all in but is told this isn't allowed because of the under raise before him.

So he flat calls as the other player.

The 3d turn gives Gary his chance to ship and he does.

The other player folds and leaves Gary and the all in payer, Andrew Guild, to it.

Andrew shows 10c 10s

Gary has 9d 9c

7d river doesn't help Andrew and he is sent to the rail.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 22:56:12 PM
Busts as we approach the last level of the day:

David Dewer
Carol Barbour Cheam
Pamela Venables
Peter guild
Iain Ayre
Anne Margaret Parish
John Lowe
William McLeod
Radoslv Iliev
Andy Whiteford
Ciaran Ward
James McLean
Andrew Guild
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 23:02:07 PM
Vasile Gasper is all in and called by Ian Swan

Vasile shows Ah Kc
Ian has him covered and is ahead holding Jc Js

9s 10c 7d Qs 7c

Vasile busts.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 23:03:05 PM
Norman Wilkie ships and Craig Dawson re ships.

The rest fold.

Norman is at risk but ahead with 9c 9s

Craig has Ah Kc

Kd 7d 5s 3h 10h

Norman is out.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 23:17:30 PM
Kee Tak Cheung moves all in for around 20k.

Paolo Bronzina calls.

Tom Noble re ships over the top for more than 55k

Paolo tanks but makes the call.

9c 9d for Kee who is at risk to both players

A s Ac for Tom who covers Kee but is at risk to Paolo.

Paolo has everyone covered and holds Qs Qc

5s 7d 3s 3c Jc

Tom wins the lot, knocks Kee out, cripples Paolo and more than doubles his stack.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 23:23:34 PM
We have the payout structure:

   Position      Payout      
   1st      £2,860.00   & APAT Gold Medal & £560 GUKPT Seat   
   2nd      £1,855.00   & APAT Silver Medal   
   3rd      £1,210.00   & APAT Bronze Medal   
   4th      £825.00      
   5th      £600.00      
   6th      £420.00      
   7th      £320.00      
   8th      £275.00      
   9th      £240.00      
   10th      £215.00      
   11th      £195.00      
   12th      £180.00      
   13th      £180.00      
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 23:28:52 PM
Qd Kh Qh flop after raises pre.

Ian Swan bets 5k, Benoit Dic Giles moves all in and Ian instantly calls and turns Qc Qs

Benoit laughs and stands as he shows Kc 10d

6d turn

Ks river!

Benoit hits his set but it is not enough and he is bust.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 16, 2019, 23:35:29 PM
4d Kh 2h

Tom Noble bets 4500 and Mark Fullarton calls.

6d turn.

Tom checks, Mark ships, Tom calls.

Tom has Mark covered and shows Kc Js for top pair.

Mark flicks over 3c 5s for the turned straight.

The 6h river means nothing and Mark is up to over 60k.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 01:47:38 AM
Play for Day 1 finishes after Level 12 - with the following 31 players coming back for Day 2 at 12:00 noon tomorrow:

   Jamie      Lackenby      1      1      64700   
   Neil      Pickering      1      2      128700   
   Mark      Fullarton      1      3      78000   
   James      Gray      1      6      25000   
   Craig      Simpson      1      7      59400   
   Alastair      Bailie      1      9      18000   
   Craig      Dawson      1      10      59100   
   David      Wyse      2      1      32700   
   Ross      Fullarton      2      6      135800   
   Ian      Swan      2      7      178000   
   Gary      Maclennan      2      8      184200   
   Andrew      Bathgate      2      9      82800   
   Roddy      Morrison      2      10      99300   
   James      Allan      3      1      23600   
   Asa Daniel      Mcgrath      3      2      69000   
   Ian      Sneddon      3      5      25600   
   Thomas      Nichols      3      6      42100   
   Alexander Thomas      Gordon      3      7      60900   
   Alan      Duncan      3      10      27800   
   Damian      Minnis      4      1      38600   
   John Anthony      Mcglynn      4      2      93900   
   Stuart      Allan      4      4      100000   
   Arvind      Sood      4      5      147800   
   Malcolm Hedley      Scott      4      6      95500   
   David      Somerville      4      10      54200   
   Tom Craig      Noble      5      1      135200   
   Jonathan      Hazley      5      5      99200   
   Paul William      Gillam      5      6      45400   
   Paolo      Bronzina      5      7      40000   
   Shaun      Long      5      8      119600   
   Scott      Wilson      5      9      162300   

Departing before end of play:

Derek Murdie
Ben Bouchier
Didier Giles
Thomas Tighe
Joe Car-Hill
Gavin Jackson
Neil Gilchrist
Kee Tak Cheung
George Cockburn
Jamie Bachoo
Norman Wilkie
Barrie Cullen
Vasile Gaspar
David Morris
Paul Kernachan
Jan Ross
Alex Gibb
Stephen Prandstatter
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 01:51:21 AM
Day 2 in chip stack order:

   Gary      Maclennan      2      8      184200   
   Ian      Swan      2      7      178000   
   Scott      Wilson      5      9      162300   
   Arvind      Sood      4      5      147800   
   Ross      Fullarton      2      6      135800   
   Tom Craig      Noble      5      1      135200   
   Neil      Pickering      1      2      128700   
   Shaun      Long      5      8      119600   
   Stuart      Allan      4      4      100000   
   Roddy      Morrison      2      10      99300   
   Jonathan      Hazley      5      5      99200   
   Malcolm Hedley      Scott      4      6      95500   
   John Anthony      Mcglynn      4      2      93900   
   Andrew      Bathgate      2      9      82800   
   Mark      Fullarton      1      3      78000   
   Asa Daniel      Mcgrath      3      2      69000   
   Jamie      Lackenby      1      1      64700   
   Alexander Thomas      Gordon      3      7      60900   
   Craig      Simpson      1      7      59400   
   Craig      Dawson      1      10      59100   
   David      Somerville      4      10      54200   
   Paul William      Gillam      5      6      45400   
   Thomas      Nichols      3      6      42100   
   Paolo      Bronzina      5      7      40000   
   Damian      Minnis      4      1      38600   
   David      Wyse      2      1      32700   
   Alan      Duncan      3      10      27800   
   Ian      Sneddon      3      5      25600   
   James      Gray      1      6      25000   
   James      Allan      3      1      23600   
   Alastair      Bailie      1      9      18000   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 01:53:10 AM
Day 2 in name order:

   Stuart      Allan      4      4      100000   
   James      Allan      3      1      23600   
   Alastair      Bailie      1      9      18000   
   Andrew      Bathgate      2      9      82800   
   Paolo      Bronzina      5      7      40000   
   Craig      Dawson      1      10      59100   
   Alan      Duncan      3      10      27800   
   Ross      Fullarton      2      6      135800   
   Mark      Fullarton      1      3      78000   
   Paul William      Gillam      5      6      45400   
   Alexander Thomas      Gordon      3      7      60900   
   James      Gray      1      6      25000   
   Jonathan      Hazley      5      5      99200   
   Jamie      Lackenby      1      1      64700   
   Shaun      Long      5      8      119600   
   Gary      Maclennan      2      8      184200   
   John Anthony      Mcglynn      4      2      93900   
   Asa Daniel      Mcgrath      3      2      69000   
   Damian      Minnis      4      1      38600   
   Roddy      Morrison      2      10      99300   
   Thomas      Nichols      3      6      42100   
   Tom Craig      Noble      5      1      135200   
   Neil      Pickering      1      2      128700   
   Malcolm Hedley      Scott      4      6      95500   
   Craig      Simpson      1      7      59400   
   Ian      Sneddon      3      5      25600   
   David      Somerville      4      10      54200   
   Arvind      Sood      4      5      147800   
   Ian      Swan      2      7      178000   
   Scott      Wilson      5      9      162300   
   David      Wyse      2      1      32700   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 11:59:50 AM
Day 2 and we have 31 players remaining, with the top 13 in the money:

   Gary      Maclennan      184200   
   Ian      Swan      178000   
   Scott      Wilson      162300   
   Arvind      Sood      147800   
   Ross      Fullarton      135800   
   Tom Craig      Noble      135200   
   Neil      Pickering      128700   
   Shaun      Long      119600   
   Stuart      Allan      100000   
   Roddy      Morrison      99300   
   Jonathan      Hazley      99200   
   Malcolm Hedley      Scott      95500   
   John Anthony      Mcglynn      93900   
   Andrew      Bathgate      82800   
   Mark      Fullarton      78000   
   Asa Daniel      Mcgrath      69000   
   Jamie      Lackenby      64700   
   Alexander Thomas      Gordon      60900   
   Craig      Simpson      59400   
   Craig      Dawson      59100   
   David      Somerville      54200   
   Paul William      Gillam      45400   
   Thomas      Nichols      42100   
   Paolo      Bronzina      40000   
   Damian      Minnis      38600   
   David      Wyse      32700   
   Alan      Duncan      27800   
   Ian      Sneddon      25600   
   James      Gray      25000   
   James      Allan      23600   
   Alastair      Bailie      18000   

Position         Payout     
   1st         £2,860.00   & APAT Gold Medal & £560 GUKPT Seat   
   2nd         £1,855.00   & APAT Silver Medal   
   3rd         £1,210.00   & APAT Bronze Medal   
   4th         £825.00     
   5th         £600.00     
   6th         £420.00     
   7th         £320.00     
   8th         £275.00     
   9th         £240.00     
   10th         £215.00     
   11th         £195.00     
   12th         £180.00     
   13th         £180.00   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 12:17:24 PM
Kicking off Day 2 and finding 7d 7h Alastair Bailie pushes his small stack forward, and with Paul Gillam waking up with A s Qs he makes the call having Alastair easily covered - Ace in the window and we lose the first casualty of Day 2 with Alastair departing in 31st spot...

Alastair Bailie

Shortly after Ian Sneddon pushes his small stack again, this time with AQ off but running into pocket Aces and Ian leaves in 30th

Ian Sneddon
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 12:18:19 PM
David Wyse ships in mid position and is called by Ross Fullarton immediately to his left.

Ross shows Ac Qc

David's Ad Kd needs to stay ahead to keep him in the game.

Kh Ks 4d not a bad flop for David

Qd 4c

David doubles up.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 12:20:49 PM
Craig Dawson says "let's try an all in" and moves his stack across the line in early position.

Arvind Sood, one to Craig's left, asks for a count - 37k.

He then re raises all in.

The rest of the table fold and Arvind quickly turns A s Ad

Craig says "I've seen them get beat" and shows 8c 8s

10d 9h 3c Kd Kc

And Craig is bust.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 12:39:28 PM
The Qh Qd not good enough for Damian Minnis as he runs into Kh Kc and is out of the tournament.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 12:41:15 PM
Thomas Nichols moves all his chips across the line pre flop.

Shaun Long then moves all of his chips across the line.

Ross, with more chips than both of them moves all of his chips across the line too!

Thomas has 6c 6s
Shaun flips Ks Kh
Ross shows Ad Ah

No help on the board for Thomas or Shaun, Ross' Aces hold and send the other two to the rail.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 12:45:27 PM
Tom Noble raises under the gun to 6k.

It folds to Paolo Branzina in the small blind. He ships for around 20k.

Asa McGrath folds the big blind and Tom makes the call.

Tom has Kh Js
Paolo shows Ad Qc

8h Jh 10d Qs 5s

Paolo doubles up.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 12:58:42 PM
Paolo Branzina is all in under the gun.

Asa McGrath makes the call directly to his left.
The rest fold out the way and Asa shows Qc Qd

Paolo needs to hit with Ah Kd to survive

3d Jc 9d 7h 9h

Paolo busts.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 13:10:20 PM
John Anth McGlynn makes it 5k with blinds at 1200/2400/2400.

Craig Simpson ships for 28,900

John calls

John has Ah 7s

Craig has A s 10d

Qh 6h 9s 4h 9h

John hits the flush on the river to eliminate Craig.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 13:19:58 PM
David Wyse quietly busts over on Table 3.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 14:11:28 PM
First break of the day and the remaining two tables look like this:

   Surname      Forename      Table      Seat      Chip Count   
   Scott      Malcolm Hedley      1      1      67000   
   Hazley      Jonathan      1      2      79000   
   McGrath      Asa      1      3      218000   
   Allan      James      1      4      44000   
   Swan      Ian      1      5      280000   
   McGlynn      Jonhn Anthony      1      6      79000   
   Gillam      Paul      1      7      28000   
   Bathgate      Andrew      1      8      78000   
   MacLennan      Gary      1      9      200000   
   Morrison      Roddy      1      10      150000   
   Allan      Stuart      2      1      200000   
   Pickering      Neil      2      2      160000   
   Noble      Tom      2      3      86000   
   Lackenby      Jamie      2      5      10000   
   Wilson      Scott      2      6      186000   
   Fullarton      Ross      2      7      180000   
   Gray      James      2      8      112000   
   Fullarton      Mark      2      9      45000   
   Sood      Arvind      2      10      180000   
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 14:58:42 PM
All the chips go in pre.

Asa McGrath has John McGlynn covered.

John has Ac Jc

Asa has Ah Kd

8d Kh 9c 4d 9d

John is out and we have 16 players remaining with 13 paid.


Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 15:24:56 PM
Jonathan Hazley ships and Andrew Bathgate makes the call.

Qs 10s for Andrew

Jonathan has 9s 9c and needs to stay ahead to avoid elimination.

A s Kd 10d 4h 3c

Andrew knocks Jonathan out in 16th.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 16:01:23 PM
Jamie Lackenby and Mark Fullarton both have their cards on their backs.7

Mark is the player at risk.

Mark has A s Qc

Jamie shows Ah Ks

3c 10c 10h 5h 7c

Mark Fullarton finishes in 15th place and brings us into 'hand for hand' play.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 16:32:00 PM
Paul Gillam pushes his 24k over the line, Neil Pickering adds the 16k to his big blind and calls.

A s Qs for Paul and 8c 9s for Neil

10s 10c 6c 4h 7h

Paul Gillam busts in 14th place and bursts the bubble.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 16:53:21 PM
Blinds at 4k/8k/8k Jamie Lackenby completes the small blind.

Ross Fullarton moves all in in the big blind for 63k

Jamie thinks for a while and then makes the call.

Ross has Js 4s and must hit to beat Jamie's Ac 2c

7c 5d 5c 6s 2d

Ross Fullarton finishes in 13th place for £180.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 17:05:22 PM
Departing in 12th place is James Gray when his Ac 6h loses out to the 8s 6d of Arvind Sood


Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 17:28:37 PM
Andrew Bathgate ships from mid position and is called by Neil Pickering.

Andrew hoping his 5h 5c can hang on against Neil's Ac Qc

3d 6c 7d 3s Ah

Almost made it but Andrew Bathgate finishes in 11th for £195.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 17:37:21 PM
Arvind Sood pushes his stack with 10s 8s only to run into pocket 9's, which hold on a Board Qd 7c 5s Jh 4h and Arvind departs in 10th spot...

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 17:42:27 PM
Final Table 9:

Seat 1 - Stuart Allan - 160k
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison - 185k
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering - 265k
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath - 365k
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby - 390k
Seat 6 - Gary Maclennan - 220k
Seat 7 - Ian Swan - 400k
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson - 230k
Seat 9 - Tom Noble - 280k

Blinds 5k/10k/10k Average 278k

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 17:50:29 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 6 - Gary Maclennan
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 5k/10k/10k Average 278k

It folds to Roddy in the small, he completes and Neil checks.

They both check the board all the way Qh 8h Ac Kc 8c

Qd Js for Roddy takes the pot.


Gary, under the gun plus one, makes it 27k to go.

It folds to Asa, in the big blind, he pauses before folding.


Stuart raises from mid position and takes the pot.


Scott raises it to 32k under the gun plus one and ends the hand there.


In the cut off, Asa makes it 24k and everyone else folds.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 17:58:18 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 6 - Gary Maclennan
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 5k/10k/10k Average 278k

Gary limps on the button, Ian completes and Scott checks,

Kd Jd 5h

Gary bets 16k and the other tow fold out of the way.


It folds to Ian on the button, he raises it to 24k and gets quick folds from the blinds.


Stuart gets a walk.


Scott makes it 27k in the cut off. The rest fold and he takes the middle pot.


Jamie raises it to 27k this time.

Scott makes the call.

Tom moves all in for significantly more - 260k (ish)

It folds back to Jamie, who takes a few moments before laying it down.

Scott takes less time to fold and Tom takes it down.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 18:07:40 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 6 - Gary Maclennan
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 5k/10k/10k Average 278k

Scott makes it 37k from mid position and the rest fold.


Gary limps under the gun.

Asa completes the small and Jamie checks the big.

6c 7c 4d

Jamie bets 20k and takes it down.


It folds to jamie in the small blind. He completes and Gary checks.

4s 5d 8h 5c 2h

They both check the board to showdown.

Kc 10d from Gary makes Jamie muck and Gary wins the pot.


Scott limps under the gun. Roddy also limps.

It folds to the blinds - Gary completes and Ian checks.

5h 10h 5c Qs

Gary bets 10k and Roddy calls.

The two of them see 5s river.

Gary folds to Roddy's river bet of 30k.


With Ian in the small blind and Scott in the big, Asa makes it 23k.

Jamie moves all in over the top.

Some very quick folds follow and it is back to Asa.

He looks pained and takes a minute to think before he folds.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 18:12:58 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 6 - Gary Maclennan
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 6k/12k/12k Average 278k

Roddy makes it 30k under the gun plus one.

It folds to Tom in the big blind. He pauses briefly and lets it go.


Gary limps from mid position.

Tom ships from the small blind.

Stuart folds in the big blind.

Back to Gary who looks uncomfortable - if he calls he'd be the player at risk - he makes the call.

Gary has Jh Jd

Tom shows Ah Qs

Ad Kh 2h 3s 7s

We lose Gary in 9th place for £240.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 18:27:03 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 6k/12k/12k Average 312k

Jamie raises to 34k

Scott moves all in.

It folds back to Jamie. He takes a few minutes considering. He eventually folds.


It folds to Tom in the cut off, he raises to 27k and wins the hand.


It folds to Stuart, he raises to 27k and Asa, big blind, calls.

2s 4d 2h

Asa checks and Stuart checks behind.

9s sees Asa reaching for chips - he bets 36k and Stuart folds.


Scott raises to 33k.

It folds to Jamie in the big blind. He folds 2c 3d face up and Scott takes the chips.


Scott limps under the gun. Ian checks.

8d 10h 3c

Ian checks, Scott bets 12k and takes it.


It folds to the small blind, Ian, who completes. Scott checks the big.

Qd Ah 2s Ac 3h

They both check it down.

And then chop it up -

Ian has Jd 3d

Scott has 3s 5d


Neil, in mid position, makes it 33k and takes the pot.


Asa raises it to 27k and wins the hand.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: cashman on March 17, 2019, 18:34:31 PM

If i remember correctly didn't a Scott Wilson win this tournament back in 2010. aka the stone ages

Is this the same person?
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Choco1875 on March 17, 2019, 18:35:28 PM
Yep it sure is , think he won it in Aberdeen aged 18/19
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 18:36:05 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 6k/12k/12k Average 313k

It folds to Stuart in the small blind. He ships and gets it through.


Jamie, under the gun plus one, raises it to 32k and takes the pot.


Tom makes it 27k to go and everyone else folds.


Scott raises to 28k

Jamie makes the call from the big blind.

Jc 2s 5s

Jamie checks, Scott bets 40k and Jamie lets it go.

Jamie* shows A s Ac

*typing error. Scott showed A s Ac


Scott limps under the gun.

Stuart moves all in

The rest quickly fold and it is back to Scott.

He lays it down and Stuart wins the hand.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Fatcatstu on March 17, 2019, 18:42:18 PM

Jamie makes the call from the big blind.

Jc 2s 5s

Jamie checks, Scott bets 40k and Jamie lets it go.

Jamie shows A s Ac

One of you is clearly high.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 18:46:46 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 6k/12k/12k Average 313k

It folds to the blinds and Ian raises it to 34k, Scott folds.


Ian makes it 28k on the button.

Scott ships the small, Tom folds back to Ian.
He also folds and Scott shows Ad Ks


Jamie makes it 35k and is called by Neil.

Kd 7s 5d

Neil bets 32k and Jamie calls.

They both check 9s turn

Neil checks  the 4d river and folds to Jamie's all in shove.


Ian makes it 27k in mid position and gets a call from Roddy in the big blind.

The flop comes out 5h Ks 3h

Roddy checks and Ian announces all in.

Roddy quickly folds.


Jamie raises it to 32k from under the gun plus one.

Scott makes the call.

Roddy announces all in.

Jamie re raises all in!

Scott gets out the way and the cards go over

8d 8c for Roddy and he needs to hold against the Ad Kh of Jamie.

Kc Ac Ks 9c Qh

Roddy Morrison finishes in 8th place for £275.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: cashman on March 17, 2019, 18:47:54 PM
Yep it sure is , think he won it in Aberdeen aged 18/19

Thought it might have been him.

I looked back at the live updates and it was Aberdeen 2010 and he just turned 18 about two weeks before the tournament.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 18:55:47 PM

Jamie makes the call from the big blind.

Jc 2s 5s

Jamie checks, Scott bets 40k and Jamie lets it go.

Jamie shows A s Ac

One of you is clearly high.

Or it's a typo and it should say "Scott shows A s Ac "

That's an option.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Fatcatstu on March 17, 2019, 18:57:49 PM

Jamie makes the call from the big blind.

Jc 2s 5s

Jamie checks, Scott bets 40k and Jamie lets it go.

Jamie shows A s Ac

One of you is clearly high.

Or it's a typo and it should say "Scott shows A s Ac "

That's an option.

Whatever Afro man
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 19:20:43 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 8k/16k/16k Average 313k

Scott raises to 33k and takes the hand.


Neil ships from the cut off and gets it through - Ian in the big blind folds 7s 2c


Tom makes it 35k under the gun. Jamie calls on the button.

7h 9h 4s

Tom bets 35k and Jamie swiftly calls.

5s turn, Tom checks and Jamie checks behind.

3d gets checks from both and Jc 9c for Tom beats Jamie's A s Js


Jamie ships in the cut off and takes the hand.


Asa makes it 35k. It folds to Tom in the small blind. He spends a moment thinking before letting it go.

Stuart, in the big blind, moves all in for 137k total and Asa makes the call.

Asa shows Kh 9h

Stuart has Ah A s

Qd Ad 3c Jd Ac

Quad Aces wins the hand and Stuart doubles up.


Asa raises to 35k and takes the pot.


Ian makes it 35k from under the gun plus one. Scott makes the call.

Neil moves all in over the top.

Ian announces all in too.

Scott folds.

Neil has 9d 9c
Ian has Ah Qs and has Neil covered.

6s 3d 4d 8h 2c

Neil doubles up.

Scott shows that he folded 9h 9s


Tom with a raise to 35k this hand, he gets a call from Jamie and they see a 6h 4h Jd flop.

They both check and the turn is 9s

They both check again and the river is 8s

Jamie looks at his cards and checks.

Tom checks behind

Tom shows A s 7h

Jamie has Ah 7s

Chop it up!
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 19:41:01 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 8k/16k/16k Average 313k

Scott limps under the gun.

It folds to Ian in the big blind and he checks.

3h 2h 4c 10c 9d

They check the board to the river, Ian bets 20k and Scott takes a long time before deciding to lay it down.


Scott gets a walk.


Ian makes it 40k. Tom moves all in and Ian instantly folds.


Tom completes the small blind and Stuart checks.

They go heads up to a flop of Qs 4s Qc

Tom bets 20k and takes the pot.


Tom raises to 35k on the button and Stuart and Neil both fold the blinds.


Jamie limps under the gun.

Ian ships under the gun plus one for just under 200k.

It folds back to Jamie who takes a few moments before laying it down.


Tom makes it 40k to go.

Neil moves all in for around 220k.

It folds round to Tom who lets it go.


Asa ships on the button and the blinds fold.


Ian makes up the small blind and Scott checks the big.

Two to the flop of 5s 6c 10c

Ian bets 23k and Scott folds.


Stuart makes it 40k under the gun.

It folds to Tom in the big blind. He moves all in, covering Stuart.

Stuart makes the call.

Tom has Ah Qd
Stuart shows 10h 10c and needs them to hold to avoid elimination.

5s 7s 9c 6s 7d

Stuart doubles his 234k stack.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 19:45:25 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 2 - Roddy Morrison
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 8k/16k/16k Average 313k

Scott ships and takes it down.


Ian moves all in and wins the hand.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: cuzza23 on March 17, 2019, 19:50:01 PM
Chip stack update please guys
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 19:56:37 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 5 - Jamie Lackenby
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 10k/20k/20k Average 337k

Neil makes it 55k on the button and the blinds fold.


Jamie, on the button, raises to 50k.

Scott quickly moves all in and Jamie calls.

Jamie shows 9s 9h

Scott has Ad A s

9c 3h 8h 7s Ah

The ace on the river reclaims the hand for Scott and he doubles his 309k stack.


Scott, in the small blind, makes it 40k total and wins the hand.


Ian ships from the cut off and collects the pot.

Asa ships under the gun, Jamie announces all in directly behind him.

The rest fold and the cards go over:

Asa has Kd Jh

Jamie shows Ad Jh and is the player at risk.

4d 4h Js Jc Ks

Asa wins the hand and knocks Jamie out.

Jamie Lackenby finishes in 7th for £320 (Jamie took 3rd spot in 2018)...

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 20:01:17 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 10k/20k/20k Average 417k

VERY rough chip counts during play:

Stuart - 410k
Neil - 280k
Asa - 320k
Ian - 460k
Scott - 590k
Tom - 425k
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 20:15:03 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 10k/20k/20k Average 417k

Asa raises and takes it down.


Tom completes the small.
Stuart raises the big to 75k.
Tom pushes all in.
Stuart lays it down.


Asa raises to 45k under the gun and the rest fold.


Scott makes it 55k and wins the hand.


Neil makes it 65k on the button and gets it through.


Neil raises again, 55k and takes the hand again.


It folds to Scott in the big blind, he completes and Tom, big blind, makes it 55k more.

Scott lays it down.

Tom shows Ah Qd


Ian raises to 55k.

Scott announces all in on the button.

The blinds fold and, after a moment, Ian does too and taps the table.

Ian ships from the cut off.

Stuart makes the call.

Ian shows 6h 6c

Stuart has Kd Ks and needs to stay ahead.

3c 5h 8h 10d 4s

Stuart gets the double up of his 318k stack.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 20:18:39 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 7 - Ian Swan
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 10k/20k/20k Average 417k

Tom raises it up to 40k total and wins the pot.


Ian moves the last of his chips across the line - less than 60k.

Asa, big blind, calls without looking.

Asa has Qc 6d

Ian has 8c 6h

Qd 9d 3h 4h 9c

Ian Swan finishes in 6th place for £420.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 20:25:38 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 10k/20k/20k Average 500k

Neil raises to 55k and wins the hand.


Neil raises to 50k pre and Stuart calls.

8s 5c 9h

Stuart check, Neil bets 60k and Stuart folds.


Tom makes it 50k on the button.

Neil calls in the big blind.

4c 10d 5d they both check

Tom bets 40k on the 7c turn and takes it down.


Tom limps in the cut off and Asa checks the big blind.

They get Jc 7d 5s flop and Asa checks, Tom bets 20k and Asa folds.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 20:33:43 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 12k/24k/12k Average 500k

Asa ships. Scott calls.

Asa Ah 10d

Scott A s Ks

Asa is the player at risk.

5s 9c 8h Jh (Scott groans at this point) 7s

Asa makes the straight on the river and doubles his 368k stack.



Stuart raises to 55k and takes the pot.


Tom completes the small and Stuart checks the big.

Tom bets 30k on the turn of the 7s 4c Qd 2h board, Stuart calls.

They both check the 5h river and Stuart's 5d 6c is enough to win the hand.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 20:43:15 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 8 - Scott Wilson
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 12k/24k/12k Average 500k

Scott moves all in from the cut off for around 176k.

Neil, big blind, has a think, counts out the call but lets it go and Scott collects the pot.


Tom raises to 50k and wins the hand -  he shows A s Qc


Stuart makes it 50k and the rest fold.


Scott moves all in from the small blind for 200k.

Tom has a think before letting it go.

Scott says "thank god for that" and shows 7h 3h


Scott moves all in on the button.

Tom instantly ships behind him.

Stuart quickly folds.

Tom shows Kd Ks

Scott sighs and turns Qs Qh

5d 4c 5c 10c 9h

Scott Wilson finishes in 5th place for £600.


Scott back in 2010, when he took the Scottish Championship title (and subsequently in 2011 finished 11th)...

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 20:53:42 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 12k/24k/12k Average 625k

Stuart raises in the small blind and Neil folds.

Stuart shows 10c 10h


Neil ships and gets it through.


Stuart raises to 55k and gets folds from the rest.


Neil ships from under the gun and adds the 48k to his stack.


Neil gets a walk.


Asa gets a walk.


Asa raises to 52k from the small blind, Tom calls from the big.

8s 3s Jc

Asa reaches for a bet and makes it 65k.

Tom calls.

8d turn and Asa looks puzzled and checks.

Tom reaches for chips and bets 75k.

Asa calls.

3h river.

Asa checks and Tom checks behind.

Asa mucks when Tom shows Ac Js


Asa raises to 60k and takes it down
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 21:04:06 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 12k/24k/12k Average 625k

Asa makes it 52k.

Stuart reaches for chips and makes the call.

Neil folds the big blind and the two see the Qc Ks 6d flop.

Stuart checks and Asa checks behind.


Stuart bets 60k and Asa gives it up.


Neil ships from the small.

Asa doesn't immediately fold...after a think, he does let it go though.


Stuart makes it 50k and wins the hand.


Tom raises the button and ends the hand.


Asa raises to 125k and wins the hand.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 21:18:21 PM
Players on a 15 min break:

Seat 1 - Stuart Allan 660,000
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering 270,000
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath 540,000
Seat 9 - Tom Noble 1,060,000

Blinds 15k/30k(15k) Average 625k
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 21:24:46 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 3 - Neil Pickering
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 12k/24k/12k Average 625k

Stuart raises to 65k and takes the hand.


Tom raises, from the small blind, to 90k and Stuart folds the big blind.


Asa, under the gun, makes it 65k.

Neil ships and Asa calls.

Asa has 7c 7h

Neil needs to improve his A s Jd to avoid being sent to the rail.

5h 2s Qs 4h 4d

Neil Pickering busts in 4th for £825.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 21:43:09 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 15k/30k/15k Average 834k

Stuart makes it 60k and wins the hand.


Stuart makes it 70k.

Asa re raises to 135k

Stuart calls and they go heads up to the flop.

4s 10c 4h

Asa bets 140k.

Stuart moves all in.

Asa tanks before tapping the table and laying it down.


Stuart gets a walk.


Tom raises it to 65k and gets two folds.


Asa ships and gets it through.


Tom completes the small and Stuart checks the big.

5c 7s 5h is checked by both

They also both check the 5s turn and the Qd river.

Tom's Jh 8h is good enough to see Stuart muck.


Asa gets a walk.


Stuart makes it 65k on the button, Tom calls from the big blind.

6c 9c Qh

Tom checks, Stuart fires another 65k, Tom makes it 150k, Stuart lets it go.


Tom completes the small and Stuart checks.

Tom checks the Ks 7d 5h flop. Stuart bets 65k and Tom folds.


Tom raises it to 65k on the button.

Stuart re raises it to 190k

Asa folds, Tom ships and Stuart instantly calls

Stuart has Ah A s

Tom sighs and shows Ad Ks

7d 10s 5h Ac 3h

Stuart doubles to around 1.8m
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 21:59:48 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan 
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 15k/30k/15k Average 834k

Tom gets a walk.


Asa ships on the button and gets it through.


Tom ships on the button and the other two fold.


Tom gets a walk.


Asa ships from the button and takes it down.


Tom moves all in from the small blind for 375k

Stuart folds.


Stuart makes it 70k.

Asa ships all in.

Stuart lets it go.


Tom gets a walk.


Tom completes and Stuart checks.

9c 10h 6s

Tom checks, Stuart bets 45k, Tom ships, Stuart calls.

Tom has Qh 10d

Stuart shows 10s 4h

Qc 7h

Tom doubles to around 900k.


Tom raises to 70k and takes it.


Asa ships on the small for 390k and Tom folds.


Stuart raises to 70k and takes it.


Stuart gets a walk and shows 10d 10c


60k from Tom on the button takes the hand.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 22:05:57 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan 
Seat 4 - Asa McGrath
Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 20k/40k/20k Average 834k

Tom completes the small.

8h 8d Qh Both check

Tom bets the 2d turn and quickly ends the hand.


Asa gets a walk.


Stuart raises it to 80k and takes the hand.


Stuart makes it 80k from the small blind.

Asa moves all in and Stuart calls.

10d 10s for Stuart

Kc 10h for Asa - he is the player at risk and needs to improve.

4h 3d 8s 5d 8h

Asa McGrath finishes in 3rd place for £1210 & APAT Bronze Medal.

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 22:19:12 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan 1.7m

Seat 9 - Tom Noble - 800k (ish)

Blinds 15k/30k/15k Average 1.25m

Tom complete, Stuart checks.

Tom bets 40k on the Ah Ks 6d flop and Stuart folds.


Stuart raises to 100k, Tom calls.

They both check the 7h 9s 9d flop.

Tom checks the 10d turn and folds to Stuart's bet of 50k.


Tom completes. Stuart checks.

Kh Qd 7s both check

Tom bets Qh turn and Stuart folds.


Stuart completes

8d Kh 6d

50k from Stuart, called by Tom

75k from Tom is called by Stuart

150k on the 10c river from Tom, Stuart asks how much he has back and then ships.

Tom immediately folds.


Tom completes the small.

Stuart makes it 75k more

Tom folds.


Stuart completes and Tom checks.

They both check the flop of 8c Ah Jd

Stuart bets 50k on the Jh turn and Tom folds.


Tom ships and Stuart folds.


Tom gets a walk.


Tom calls, Stuart checks.

They check it to the river 2s 4h 3s Ac Js

8s 3h wins the hand for Stuart.


Stuart calls.

Tom checks.

They check it to the river 10c Qd 3s 8c Ad

Tom bets 60k and Stuart calls.

8d 3d wins it for Tom with two pair.


Tom calls, Stuart ships, Tom folds.


Stuart calls, Tom checks.

6h 8d 8h

They both check.


Tom bets 50k and takes the pot.


Tom completes the small and Stuart checks.

Qc 5h 3d

Stuart checks, Tom bets and takes it down.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 22:36:20 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan

Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 15k/30k/15k Average 1.25m

Tom moves all in and Stuart folds.


Tom calls.

Tom checks, Stuart bets 50k on the 2s 6d Jh flop and Tom calls.

3h turn, Tom checks, Stuart bets 90k and Tom folds.


Tom gives Stuart a walk.


Stuart ships, Tom folds.


Tom moves all in.

Stuart calls.

Tom has Qs 4s and needs to improve against the Ah 2s of Stuart.

Js 8h Qh 3c 6c

Tom now on 470k.


Stuart calls, Tom ships, Stuart calls.

9d 3d for Tom with 410k

Kd Jc for Stuart.

Kh 3h 9c 6d 2h

Tom gets a second double.


Tom calls, Stuart checks.

4s Ad 6d

Stuart check folds to Tom's 50k bet.


Stuart calls and they go to a flop.

They check the 8d 10d Qs flop.

Stuart bets 50k on the Ac turn and Tom folds.
Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: Luthee13 on March 17, 2019, 22:37:40 PM
Seat 1 - Stuart Allan

Seat 9 - Tom Noble

Blinds 15k/30k/15k Average 1.25m

Tom calls, Stuart raises another 75k, Tom ships, Stuart calls

10h 10s for Stuart

Tom needs to hit a 2 with 2h 2d

7s 6s 3h 8s 7h

Tom Noble finishes in 2nd place for £1,855 & Silver APAT Medal.


And our winner and new Scottish National Chamion is Stuart Allan - he wins £2,860 & APAT Gold Medal & a £560 GUKPT Added Value Seat!

Title: Re: Updates APAT Edinburgh Mar 2019
Post by: IrishTom on March 17, 2019, 23:13:15 PM
Full results for the weekend...

Sat 16th Mar 2019 £33+£7 NLHE
1st Steven Keay £255
2nd William Higgins £180
3rd Darren Donaldson £115
4th Michael Meighan £70
5th Alexander Drennan £40

Sun 17th Mar 2019 £33+£7 NLHE
1st David Wood £205
2nd Scott Mcdonald £205
3rd Young Seo Yoon £200
4th Idris Maybasilgan £50

Sun 17th Mar 2019 £33+£7 PLO
1st Kee Tak Cheung £202
2nd Donald Elliot £200
3rd Young Seo Yoon £200
4th John Angus £195
5th William Elliot £80
6th David Blacklaw £40
7th Duncan Smith £40

Sat 16th / Sun 17th Mar 2019 - APAT Scottish Amateur Poker Championship £75+£12 (NLHE)
1st Stuart Allan £2,860 & APAT Gold Medal & £560 GUKPT Seat   
2nd Tom Noble £1,855 & APAT Silver Medal
3rd Asa McGrath £1,210 & APAT Bronze Medal   
4th Neil Pickering £825     
5th Scott Wilson £600     
6th Ian Swan £420
7th Jamie Lackenby £320
8th Roddy Morrison £275
9th Gary Maclenna £240
10th Arvind Sood £215   
11th Andrew Bathgate £195   
12th James Gray £180
13th Ross Fullarton £180