Author Topic: swinebag's blog - proof that teachers have too much time on their hands!!  (Read 205656 times)

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Yes I"m having a stab at this.

Given that James" has been moved to this topic area and he started his thread ages ago, i"m going to start with a copy of my edinburgh report. i will however be updating regularly........soon

PS Des, if its against the rules then just delete it.


It has amazed me how I have re-evaluated my aims for season 2. At the start of the season, my aim was to make a final table. After donking out of Walsall and Manchester, I thought that making day 2 would be a decent result. Having donked off my stack to Bodders (who went on to make his first day 2) at Cardiff, I had set my aim for Edinburgh to make the dinner break!

So when I looked at the draw and saw I was on the "feature" table 1, I just had the simple task of staying there. A look at the rest of my table, made me realise I was in for a tough ride

I had Eck (runner up last year and owner of the crypto 13K) in seat 1

To my left I had GUKPT online champ Scouse3465 in seat 9.

To my right in seat 6 was also, regional manager, Ian Burnett (haworthbantam). It was a table full of celebrities too

Chris Evans

Mel Gibson was sat next to me (at least I think it was him)

And of course Shermanator from American Pie

As the first cards went into the air I had a private little fist pump, as I had guaranteed my highest finishing position of the season (only 130 runners in Edinburgh ).

First break, average chips 10 500, my chips 9 000.

I had some really good cards in this session. I had AA which flopped a set to win a tidy pot. I had JJ which beat Ecks 88 to win another. I was also dealt AK 3 times. I passed it twice after two missed flops and one unsuccessful Cbet. The other time I chopped with Scouse after he also got AK and we hit a K on the flop. The rest of the time, I was in LP calling MP raises with my trappy connectors and one gappers trying to steal if I got a favourable flop or double up if I hit a monster. Neither happened, so I ended the session down, but not too unhappy.

Dinner break, average chips 14 000, my chips 6500

A poor session for me. I was pretty much card dead. A few blind steals. On amusing hand that cost me a wedge at the 150/300 level: shermanator in MP raises to 800, I find 78o on the button and call thinking that I can take it with a favourable flop. Unfortunately, I've now priced in Scouse in the BB, not that he ever needed pricing in; he calledon his BB every time. Scouse checked dark as did Shermanator, flop comes 8 4 2. I bet out 1200, scouse goes all in and Shermanator folds. I had scouse covered but fold my top pair seven kicker. An amusing showing war then ensues. I show my 8, so Scouse shows his 8. I then show my kicker, and Scouse then shows his 6 kicker. Oh well! The only other incident of note was confirmation that the guy next to me in seat 8 was indeed Mel Gibson. He proved it by doing his dislocated knee trick. He turned to grab his beer a tad too quickly and resulted in dislocating his knee. Me and Scouse were very concerned for his welfare, as was the dealer, who wanted to get a medic, but Mel was just showboating and promptly clicked his knee back into place. A truly awful sight and sound that made the ensuing buffet a little less appealing. But anyway woo hoo. I had hit my target and made the dinner break!

Third break, average chips 28 000, my chips 24 500.

I needed a quick double up after dinner and got it in true luckbox fashion. Eck raised in MP. It folded to me on the button. I found Ac5d. Now Eck had been playing brilliantly and wasn't raising with junk but he had been going through the gears. I had already done one set of blinds so only had 4500 left after I'd posted my 800 blind. Anyway I shoved, Eck called showing KJo. The flop brought 3 clubs including a King for Eck, but a fourth club on the river gave me the pot. A few blind steals, a resteal off Ian with A rag, and a nice pot with AQ that flopped a FH got me up to just below the average stack, but generally I was card dead for the whole session and was too short stacked to feel that I could make any moves.

After the break, blinds 1000/2000 I finally got a monster. Most of my original table had busted out and Ian had been the last to depart. Next hand and it folded round to the new guy in the SB who made it up. I have learnt a fair bit about poker over the last few months and have been following the brilliant exploits of George Bedi. So it was him I thought of when I picked up 10 3o (second nuts behind 10 3s). I tried to stay calm and cooly checked. The flop came K 8 4 rainbow. I could barely contain my excitement. At last a hand and flop to double up with!! The SB led out for 2000. I smooth called. The turn brought a blank. SB checked. I now needed a bet to get max value and settled on 5500. SB folded. I was happy to win a small pot, but was disappointed because I'm sure George would have got the maximum out of it. 

I was now entertaining thoughts of a second day appearance, but I could feel the blood entering my alcohol system and was worried that I'd run out of steam. A few pints later, I felt great and was playing tighter than Baden Powells reef knot. I then found my spot: blinds 1500/3000, EP  raise, I looked down at AK. My stack was down to 21000 so calling wasn't an option, so I shoved. I wanted a call, but not an all in from Eck on the button. EP raiser folded. Eck showed tens and they held up, much to his surprise (he had had tens battered twice already) and I was out. After the initial disapointment, I felt pleased with my play and pleased that I'd been the penultimate player from my original table. I didn't mind losing to Eck too. He had played a great game and despite his luckbx reputation, had suffered a lot of bad luck. I checked the clock when I was out and saw that it was SUNDAY 12.03am. Woo hoo! I made day 2!!

I then decided to play a cash table and sat down with £80. Phil Starrs was on the table as was Neil Dawson and a couple of other guys with APAT medals. I also had the pleasure of meeting Sticky who was more drunk than me. I still couldn't find a fish on the table so quickly realised it was me, but as I was drunk decided to carry on anyway. My stupidity was rewarded when I called £15 into a £50 pot with A2 soooooooted and flopped 345 (woo hoo) I was then paid off by the original raiser who had KK. Luckily for me, everyone decided they had had enough poker pretty soon afterwards and decided to call it a day. This was a relief as I felt certain that I would donk my winnings off.

Really enjoyed the weekend. Great to meet Ian, scouse, sticky, Neil, guy who came 14th (but cant remember your name- sorry) and to meet up again with a load of others. WD to Cooste on your FT (he must be a contender for allround player of the year)
THANKS to Des, Rich, Tikay again for a memorable experience.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 20:29:44 PM by Swinebag22 »
Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D


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Great read Rob, love the celebration of the guaranteed highest placing at the start  ;D


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Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D


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We have a winner so far

Nice write up very entertaining more please....especially the winning gl,  


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Good read Rob was thinking of starting my own blog but after reading this i won't bother


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Thanks for the kind comments so far

Anyway, based on how part 2 finished, part 3 is very short

PART 3 - "Poker genius/Donk" balance restored

Sunday night, just got back from the cricket at Old Trafford and was pretty quite drunk. Not as Drunk as Superman, Robin (without batman), The Gimp from Pulp Fiction and Scooby doo though, but still drunk enough to convince myself that I now had poker cracked and that qualifying for the Virgin Festival would be a formality.

Second hand in, blinds 10/20, stacks 2000 (i think). I get 10 10 in MP, folded to me, i raise to 90, called by BB. Flop 882 rainbow. BB leads out for 150, I raise to 500, BB allin, I call!!!!!! :o :o
BB shows 78o (my second favourite hand btw), no improvement for me and Virgin festival qualification delayed again.

If this had been a freeroll or a rebuy (or a low stakes turbo - maybe), then calling allin, I think, would have been a reasonable play, because people do overplay lower pairs on a paired board. However, these Virgin festival satellites are tough and I"m rarely ahead in this situation. So..............

"Poker genius/Donk" balance restored
Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D


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Good read Rob was thinking of starting my own blog but after reading this i won't bother

C"mon Nosey, give it a shot - it would be great to hear the thoughts of season one"s leading online player!


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Brilliant blog, really enjoying it (thx for the mention hehe) cant wait to read more!
Mary Kivlin


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C"mon Swine me owd GOT to qualify for the Virgin Festival so that I can shake you by the say "Well played in the Ukranian Open !"
   Enjoying the blog by the way......might even have a crack myself soon !!

P.S. You playing in Dublin ?
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C"mon Swine me owd GOT to qualify for the Virgin Festival so that I can shake you by the say "Well played in the Ukranian Open !"
   Enjoying the blog by the way......might even have a crack myself soon !!

P.S. You playing in Dublin ?

I am going to dublin, so you can wring my neck out there if you want. just wait untill I have had a few guinness so I can die a happy man! ;D

I did qualify online for dublin, so no reason why I cant do it for the Virgin Festival too!

See you soon
Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D


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Great read fella. 

We want more!!!
"Running hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse."  Ann Trason


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Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D


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100 SNG"s in 3 days eh just imagine how these guys felt.

assume the link is okay, an interesting read imo showing the stress of multitabling when 2 guys get involved in a challenge....

Keep up the good work swine (assuming this name came from your pupils?  :D )

Was considering doing one for vegas but it would probably all look the same:
Got up
Met MickyP
Got Drunk
Lost Money
Went to Bed.......and repeat for 9 days.... :D


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Another great read Rob...... c"mon James, we want that blog!


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A James and MickyP Vegas blog would be most welcome.....