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Run Good One Time
« on: February 07, 2010, 12:10:37 PM »
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 12:15:43 PM by Marty719 »
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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 12:20:46 PM »
Best of luck with this -- look forward to the updates. It"s a lot of poker time but the end game is probably worth it.


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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 13:33:42 PM »
Look forward to reading more Marty as well as seeing you again during APAT Season 4.


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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2010, 15:41:45 PM »
Looking forward to reading more...

You had to squeeze 120hrs of play into 5 days though? You played for 5 straight days with no break ???

I must be reading it wrong...
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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 15:47:35 PM »
Thanks guys - looking 4ward to more.

U didnt read it wrong - 120 hours a week for 6 weeks.  If u multi-table it works less, ie 2 tables is 60hours, 4 tables is 30hours, etc - so Im 8-tabling and it wnt b too bad.  Its 120 hours of table time.
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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2010, 15:59:34 PM »
Ah right cool, I suppose 15hrs isn"t too bad. Looking forward to reading more... Good luck.
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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2010, 16:07:36 PM »
Congrats Marty and Good Luck!


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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2010, 17:54:42 PM »
I'm Running Good...My Horses Aren't

1st week now coming to an end in the grading and it has certainly been eventful.  After a slow start I've finally got a bit of momentum and am gng the right direction.  Just 8-tabling the 22"s atm.  Think I was a little short in my hours this week, but I got a fair few games in and am in the black so I am happy with the progress.  I think the workshop really helped to focus me and help me try and play my A game all the time, rather than just auto-piloting my C game across all tables.

As for the workshop, what a fantastic day.  Great to meet the other graders and couldn't be happier with the selection we have.  Excellent to have people like Neil, Nik and James to bounce ideas off.  The thing I loved about the group selected is the wide range of styles spread through everyone.  This was very apparent in the TV hand discussion.  I must say, that section of the workshop was a real highlight for me personally as a chance to break down every street and attempt to find the optimal strategy in each situation.  These work-shops have already proven to be an invaluable opportunity and one I intend to make the most of!

As for the contribution, I am hoping to get an article written up this week.  I have an idea for a topic but will bounce it off Snoopy before going on with it.  Much appreciated to have someone to help out with this section as well. 

It feels as if everything else has taken a bit of a back seat to the grading at the minute.  I know my girlfriend is sick of the sight of my laptop!!  I still feel very positive though and fully intend to give it my all.  Over the weeks I want to get a good mix of disciplines in.  I will be playing some cash soon, and have a team viewer session planed with another of the graders.  This will be a new experience for me but I'm looking forward to it a lot.  When I'm focusing and trying to concentrate on playing to the best of my ability, I think it helps to pretend there is some-one looking over my shoulder.  This way, there actually will be so hopefully that helps ?  I think I have struggled in the past to truly exploit my image at times, so that will be my aim in the coming weeks.

On a non-poker front...I had 2 "sure thing" tips for the horses this weekend.  Cheers guys.  Obv neither of the horses finished.  To make matters worse, one of the tipsters actually had backed the winning horse in the 2nd race.  FML.  I'm convinced he was just trying to steal some of my run bad and use it against me ?  As long as I only run bad at the bets, then that's best case scenario at the minute.  Also, 6nations weekend.  Good result for Ireland but a bit of a lack lustre performance!  Fingers r firmly crossed for a good championship, as I feel they were a pretty good price before it started.  Superbowl is on tonight can I can safely say I do not care one bit.  I made the mistake of betting on it last year, and unfortunately it meant I had to waste 4 hours of my life sitting up and watching it!!  Never again!

Hope everyone is running good and looking forward to getting a few team viewer sessions in over the week!!  Can't wait for the next workshop!!

Till next time..............

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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2010, 08:10:37 AM »
It's Gonna Be A Good Week!

Hello again all.  Week 3 has started and we have another workshop this week.always a good thing!!  Week 2 was brutal, but it's over so I'm just trying to put it behind me and focus on the coming weeks.  Moved over to cash last weekend and feel a lot more comfortable.  I had not grinded stt's in a few years, and didn't really enjoy the grind trying to settle back into them.  Feeling a lot more comfortable playing cash at the minute, and I feel I'm playing better as I am not auto-piloting decisions as much. 

Hours are working out a bit of a problem the past 2 weeks.  Last week I worked a few 13 hour days and it crippled me.  Think I finished about 40hours short.  This week I have my parents coming over to visit from back home, so Thursday after the workshop I will be going straight out for dinner, and then again on Friday.  On Saturday I am going to Maidstone for a session of drinking golf.  Hoping I'm not going to be too short this week though.  Just going to have to punish myself on Sunday.  If I'm still short in the last few weeks, I'll just take time off work and grind 9-5.

We have extended the drinking golf to 18 holes of pain this year, including some horrific drinks like a car-bomb.  The first time I actually ever had one was in Vegas.  A barman heard my accent and said, "Oh, your from Northern must enjoy a good car bomb."  Hmmmmm.  He quickly explained that it was half a pint of Guinness with a shot of Baileys and Jameson in it.  Nasty.

Really looking forward to the workshop.  The last one was a great experience and looking forward to seeing everyone again.  Had a few good sweat sessions this week and they are helpful.  Good to have reassurance in the marginal spots and good to see how others play each situation as well.  Would like to be able to stay and play after but don't think the folks would appreciate sitting watching on their first time over.  Il make a point of getting a game in after on 4th.

Heading to the prizefighter night on 26th Feb as well.  I went to the heavy-weights one towards the end of last year and enjoyed it a lot, so this year a few friends and I decided to get ourselves some good seats and head down for a good night of yelling and gambling.  Can't be a bad thing.  To make it even better, there is a Belfast boy fighting in it, so come on Neil Sinclair!!

Hope everyone is running good.  C u all soon!

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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2010, 09:00:16 AM »
Marty, out of interest, what do you do for work?

GL with the workshop and the.... er.... golf


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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2010, 09:23:01 AM »
Im a recruitment consultant in London.  First year in the job.  Long hours, but good experience neway!

ty - I will need the luck for both :)
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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2010, 11:28:47 AM »

On Saturday I am going to Maidstone for a session of drinking golf. 

Sounds like a very interesting variant of the game  ;D
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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2010, 11:41:12 AM »

On Saturday I am going to Maidstone for a session of drinking golf. 

Sounds like a very interesting variant of the game  ;D

It"s tough ^^^
I recommend it tho.
We break up the beer rounds with spirit rounds as we are dng full 18holes (19 with the kebab)
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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2010, 12:21:55 PM »


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Re: Run Good One Time
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2010, 17:22:43 PM »

Im a recruitment consultant in London.  First year in the job.  Long hours, but good experience neway!

ty - I will need the luck for both :)

Jeez!! The hardest job in London at the moment followed by the hardest round of golf in Kent. I would require a caddy for myself  ::) ;)
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