Author Topic: Tales of the Honeybadger  (Read 371852 times)

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Tales of the Honeybadger
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:39:00 AM »
... this will become my poker blog ... where to start??

Okay I will lift the member profiles questions ... delete some ... and then state my INTENT.


Louis Manson (36) - Eccentric gentlemen from Scotland - accent fading quickly hence I bought a house in the South of the country as a holding measure. I work as a headhunter in the city ... but spend 50% of my time relaxing (or trying to relax in Scotland)


Started playing online about 5 years ago ... used to play pot limit ... made about £10 an hour but was getting very bored ... so starting playing at the Vic in their "classic" £30 re-buy on a Saturday ... made final tables against good people but upon reflection was pretty cautious really just exploiting the rashness of others ...

Played for a while at the Gutshot ... again made some minor final tables ... one of the few good competitions they ran was their £100 freezeout on a Saturday night ... great atmosphere ... got busted out by so many FLUSHES though re-trenched to play online.

Online history is steady MTT results, impatient STT results (No profit), feeble cash results (minor negatives).

Hence last year just about only played MTT"s

2008 - profit = $15k + close to qualifying for WSOP (Essentially the strategy is qualify and/or buy value tickets - and look for the big pay day.)

That $15k is really made up of the following:

4th in Betfair $100k - for $8,125 - Annette Obrestad won it, and Matt Gavatin was 3rd (EPT Dublin winner in 2005) ... so good company ... Annette gets a card rush at the end! I go out to Matt when I limp with 67s ... hit top pair of 653 ... and he has 63 in the big blind ... LOL.

I also won and came second in the then Betfair $16k - $109 buy in.

2009 - So far - Is the year of the APAT - and delighted to make the final table of the UK Online this year only to have my Aces between by the eventually winners KJs

It has been refreshing to play with friendly people ... and very keen to help Edinburgh win the league ... 4th from 86 in round 1 ... AA vs AA defeat in round 3!

I played Walsall ... enjoyable but frustrating ... 80th of 205 ... very few cards ... I think I will approach slightly differently next time ... roll out the STEAM ROLLLER.

6 - WHAT IS YOUR PLAYING STYLE? Variable ... look for value ... getting stronger ... MTT I know (roughly) what I am doing ... STT - I just get bored ... Cash ... prone to ludicrous plays ... (HISTORICALLY)

6B. Poker plan for the year ... qualify for the World Series ... so I will tighten cash and STT games in order to buy tickets ... (my days of trying to play ShowBiz poker are gone).

6C. I also need to get my name on The Hendon Mob by placing somewhere meaningful! (Like the World Series)

7 - WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE POKER PLAYER AND WHY? Gus Hansen ... he exudes class ... he is the Master ...

11 - APAT: One of my friends played and placed last year - a good learning ground - a potential springboard to bigger things - but most of all a bit more friendly than the average gathering of poker players.


Eating ... desire for premium Sushi is very high ... Kurumaya in the City near St Pauls is my spiritual home.

This summer I will learn to play golf (properly) ... or that is the theory.

Travelling - historically - did Tokyo-Melbourne-Sydney-Vegas (obviously) in 25 days a couple of years ago ...

Life is simple really ...


... play great poker ... and be kind to each other ... increase the randomness in your life ... do new things ... and keep you eyes open ... and head up.

Make a difference - be different - fold JJ in tricky spots - smile.


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« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2009, 00:17:28 AM »
... the rationale for this blog is to increase my discipline ... create a fund for VEGAS and kick some ass this year.

To do this I need to tweak my MTT game.
Play sensible cash
Re-visit STTs

Day 1

Horses +£240 (Conversion rate to dollars = 1.4) = + $336

Poker ... Cash $1/2 ... sat down with $200 turned to $482 on the back of some charity followed up with QQQ vs 222. (50 mins play)

Tabe 2 Cash $1/2 ... sar down with $200 down to $135 ... nothing premium ... nothing getting hit ... walked away (45 mins play)

Eyes Wide Shut - $50+5 Turbo - 91 Runners 9 paid.

So evening poker is + $162 plus any winnings ... from the MTT ...

... 5th place and $400 more ... two bad beats at the end ... but it is just a giant FRUIT MACHINE ...

Three final tables from last 4 in this ... UNREAL!

Day 1 +$898 ... this is going to be hard to keep up!



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2009, 07:03:22 AM »
Good Work Louis -

I Swear though - i must be the oly APAT member who doesnt win.......
Lifes tough, its even tougher when your stupid

North London Poker Club


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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2009, 08:29:33 AM »
Great work Louis. Lookin forward to reading all about your exploits.


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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2009, 10:01:43 AM »
... I hope it is a good year ...

I am back to level for the year which reflects a terrible Feb ...

I am philosophical about it - it means that I will never have all my eggs in the poker basket - bad runs can get quite ridiculous.

I was reading in the Metro today about Roy Brindley in the classic tale of win a £1m lose a £1m ... bad strategy I expect ... but with such high volatility if you want the £1m quite likely.

I was chatting to a poker pro last year who effectively manages others on how to deal with bank roll etc ...

This blog ... might just become my discipline ... though very few years I end negative (or that much positive either!)

... more later meeting to attend!



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2009, 19:23:52 PM »
Good luck with the blog Louis.


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Enter the Fatty ...
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2009, 21:22:00 PM »
... I estimate that I am 15 stone 4 today ... I don"t really weigh myself when in London ... there are too many good things to eat!

Tonight some spicy calves livers and meatballs plus spaghetti ... it"s not an ideal diet for losing weight ... but it is ideal in firing the serotonins in my head.

Last night we (Jeanie and I) went to the Cinammon Kitchen in London - sister restaurant to the excellent Cinammon Club ... I was left bored by the tardy service ... food good ... but you expect that at the price ... essentially they are trying to milk the Cinammon Club"s name which is entirely tedious. It scores zero on the official scale.

Not sure what tomorrow holds ...

Day 2 Gambling ...

Horses +31.50 ... this is just luck I assure you ... +$44 ... Running Total ... +$942

Poker ... just about to fire up the tables!

Wish me luck ...



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Fruit Machine Time ...
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2009, 22:58:26 PM »
... classic night"s poker for me so far ... make a little progress on the cash tables ...

Enter a satellite for the Betfair $55k - $400 buy in ... get kicks out 9th for 2 spots ... KK vs AT ... sigh.

Eyes Wide Shut just about to start minus $75 for the night if I don"t cash.

Running Total +$867 ...

Feeling good ...


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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2009, 23:37:15 PM »
LOL - First out ... 88th of 88 ... now that is variance ...

AQ limpUTG ... raised ... called by another and I call ...

flop KQx ... I check ... check ... half pot bet in position ... I decide to push ... as feels like a miss ... he flip KT ... and holds ... RUBBISH POKER FROM ME ...

Let"s save it on the cash tables ...



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 07:44:13 AM »
... or lose it on the cash tables ...

Lost a buy in ($200) ... annoying ... pegged back to +$667 ...

I was playing pretty lose - up and down - which is fair play - sitting just below $200.

I am seated after the big stack who is raising everything.

$1/$2 NL by the way.

He raises to $7 - I call with KT ... flop is K52 ...

Standard continuation bet ... which I call ...

Turn is a blank ...(7) ... he keeps betting ... (which he has with everything) so I call ...

River card is the killer a dirty TEN for top two pairs.

He bets - I raise all in - he calls with 55 ... GREAT!


I am playing loose - and as such have to accept the Volatility - bad play earlier in the $50+5 Turbo ... gives me the chance to win or lose more ... unlucky in the $55k qualifier with KK busted by ATs ...

However - minimising losses is the same as maximising gains - so I think I will peg it back a little today ...

Glad it is Friday- had a manic week - lots of reports write - things to get moving at work - social football tonight - fitness over fatness!

Looking forward to the league game on Sunday.

Happy gambling.



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2009, 17:26:04 PM »
... could this be a day with no poker in it?

Contrived to make a $15 loss on the Horses today. Running Total +$652

Kauto"s Star was imperious ... and fair play to Denman for a gallant second with poor preparation.

I may punish myself for loose play by playing STG"s ... perhaps not a good idea!

What exciting in on Online this weekend?



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KK vs AK loss as standard ...
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2009, 17:33:27 PM »
... so hard to take just outside of the money in the $15k g"tee $25 re-buy ... it didn"t kill me but robbed me of a good position ...

Just hit the break ... I am 22nd of 27 ... steep climb for the top table ...

Amazing table in that the two chips leaders have spiked everything ... so with some cards a chance to attack these stacks ... hardly a hand has stood up.

My football bet - the classic 2 from 3 with my other game badly effected by a sending off ... though they were 0-1 at the time ... GRRR!

Aggressive fingers crossed!



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2009, 18:23:08 PM »
... looks like KK is now my unlucky hand ... just before the final table I get KK in the SB ... BB has AT ... sigh ... the inevitable ace comes ... again not killed and I limp one hand to the final table ...  but commited by the blinds to a three way pot and no help ...

Final result 10th of 215 ...

My KK crackers who both would have been eliminated finish 3rd for $1500 and 2nd for $2325 ...

$77.50 into $240 ... but a good shout at the bigger money ...

Cash + $8 LOL

Football - $35

Today +$135 ... Running Total $787 ...

« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 19:03:05 PM by Honeybadg »


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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2009, 23:24:01 PM »
... all the fun of the fair ... as I finish 247th of 1224 (150 paid) as I pushed with AJ in the BB ... only to find an early limper jesting with AA ... fair play ... but a dangerous ploy ...

+$756 ...

Cash Tables?



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2009, 09:11:23 AM »
... cash is the usual roller coaster ...

$100 to $41 bucks in ten crazy stages ... +$697 going forward to Sunday ...

Early I played very loose and hit nothing against a solid table ... but got paid when I called a min raise with 85s and flopped J88 vs AA who paid me in full.

Everything looked rosey when I got to a cheapish Jack flush on the river ... only find the queen flush - king on the board ...

I am philosophical abot this ... and next hand I get KK ... I go for the mock TILT ... raise ... re-raise ... re-raise ... but not expecting to be re-raised again ... OMG ... I cannot fold ... praying for AKs ... I meet the rockets which stand up ...

I play a couple more hands ... but leave with my $41 which so often would have been wasted on some ace-rag push.

So KK is the hand of the day ... killed three times with it ...

« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 18:34:10 PM by Honeybadg »