Sky Poker Tour December 2011
I managed to bink the Chezger league so last Friday headed up to Newcastle on the train. Day off work so a nice early afternoon journey up. Royal Station hotel was fine and headed up to Aspers about 6.30.
I don"t tend to drink lager much but just fancied it for a change so got a Fosters and saw Tighty for a quick chat. He told me Scouse had bottled out of playing so apart from Tighty I knew a grand total of zero people there. More Fosters flowed before the 8pm warm up event. Nothing eventful happened, I went out early when my

were no match to an overpair. So a relatively early night, fell asleep watching The Outlaw Josie Wales.
Saturday arrived so up to the casino for the main event. It was a one day event with just 5k starting stack so I decided to go for chips early (very different to my apat strategy of course where I always have the nuts).
Interesting hand in level 1. Raised to 150 in mid position, I have

n the cut off and flat. Both blinds call. With 600 now in the middle thats worth winning when you only start with 5k. Flop is

I think. Defimitely 2 clubs on the board includng the Q. Original raiser bets 300, I flat others fold. Turn is a rag, makes no difference to board - bet is now 600 and I call again. Dont really like my call on reflection as I"m bleeding chips potentially, but I"m still beating AK and can get stubborn sometimes. River is

and the aggressor now bets 900. I look at the board and feel certain they have the Queen. The flush has hit and theres loads of chips in the pot. I feel I have played the hand the way you would have played a flush draw, so I push all in. They sigh fold and show a queen. Phew! Not sure my play would score high on an analysis thread, but it worked!
From there I went on a roll, winning two three way all ins. After a few hours I found myself with over 100k and the chip lead. The structure was fierce and the Fosters flowing. When the bubble burst I was still top 3 I guess. Unfortunately I hit a couple of spots where I raised pre with hands like


and then had someone shove for just a few more bb"s so I sort of had to call. I lost both races and suddenly was short. A suited Ace in the bb was enough for me to shove over a raise for my last 10 bigs so I exited in 13th. All in all though I was pleased enough with my effort. It was a good day out and I ended the evening with a couple of pints, and headed back to the hotel where I watched an old Morecambe and Wise Christmas special. It was the one where Eric played Steve Davis at Snooker and where they did a song with Alvin Stardust dressed in their best Teddy Boy gear.They really dont make them like that any more.
So a couple of hundred quid and yet another failed attempt at making a final table sigh. But I"d have taken that before I set off so can"t be too bad. Thanks to ChezGer and sky for the seat.
Roll on 2012..........