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A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« on: December 12, 2011, 19:47:37 PM »
OK, here goes. My plan was to start an occassional blog in the New Year, as I"m looking forward to 2012 and giving the poker circuit a bit of a go. I"m enjoying the game at the moment, so let"s start recording a few adventures on here. Decided to start it a couple of weeks early. as I played the Sky Poker Tour thanks to ChezGer at the weekend so will do a trip report as my first meaningful entry.

So what are the hopes for 2012? I"m not setting any financial objectives but hope to play well and run good as often as possible. January the plan is to play the DTD deepstack which has a 30k starting stack and of course the APAT event at Brighton.From there I"ll plan on a month by month basis. I expect I"ll go weeks at times without playing live, but hope trips will be frequent enough to keep this going. 

Vegas is of course a must and this year I"m planning a trip around the wsop main event once the dates are confirmed. I"m not expecting to play the main of course, although I"ll try the odd satellite. But I am looking forward to hopefully rail at least one of my nephews - Danny turns 21 in May so will be eligible to play the 2012 event. Both Joe and Danny are trying to make a go of it full time so I hope to make the occassional post about their progress on here too. 

The intention is to end this at the close of 2012, hopefully that will give me enough of an end point to keep it going.

So, onto the Sky Tour event......
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 19:59:59 PM »
Welcome aboard the good ship blog Glenn :) Look forward to keeping up with your travels.
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2011, 20:19:41 PM »
This should be well worth reading - gl with it Glenn will be an avid follower.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2011, 20:28:52 PM »
Sky Poker Tour December 2011

I managed to bink the Chezger league so last Friday headed up to Newcastle on the train. Day off work so a nice early afternoon journey up. Royal Station hotel was fine and headed up to Aspers about 6.30.

I don"t tend to drink lager much but just fancied it for a change so got a Fosters and saw Tighty for a quick chat. He told me Scouse had bottled out of playing so apart from Tighty I knew a grand total of zero people there. More Fosters flowed before the 8pm warm up event. Nothing eventful happened, I went out early when my  8s 8h were no match to an overpair. So a relatively early night, fell asleep watching The Outlaw Josie Wales.

Saturday arrived so up to the casino for the main event. It was a one day event with just 5k starting stack so I decided to go for chips early (very different to my apat strategy of course where I always have the nuts).

Interesting hand in level 1. Raised to 150 in mid position, I have  7h 8h n the cut off and flat. Both blinds call. With 600 now in the middle thats worth winning when you only start with 5k. Flop is  Qc 7c 3d I think. Defimitely 2 clubs on the board includng the Q. Original raiser bets 300, I flat others fold. Turn is a rag, makes no difference to board - bet is now 600 and I call again. Dont really like my call on reflection as I"m bleeding chips potentially, but I"m still beating AK and can get stubborn sometimes. River is  5c and the aggressor now bets 900. I look at the board and feel certain they have the Queen. The flush has hit and theres loads of chips in the pot. I feel I have played the hand the way you would have played a flush draw, so I push all in. They sigh fold and show a queen. Phew! Not sure my play would score high on an analysis thread, but it worked!

From there I went on a roll, winning two three way all ins. After a few hours I found myself with over 100k and the chip lead. The structure was fierce and the Fosters flowing. When the bubble burst I was still top 3 I guess. Unfortunately I hit a couple of spots where I raised pre with hands like  Ks Qh and  Js Qc and then had someone shove for just a few more bb"s so I sort of had to call. I lost both races and suddenly was short. A suited Ace in the bb was enough for me to shove over a raise for my last 10 bigs so I exited in 13th. All in all though I was pleased enough with my effort. It was a good day out and I ended the evening with a couple of pints, and headed back to the hotel where I watched an old Morecambe and Wise Christmas special. It was the one where Eric played Steve Davis at Snooker and where they did a song with Alvin Stardust dressed in their best Teddy Boy gear.They really dont make them like that any more.

So a couple of hundred quid and yet another failed attempt at making a final table sigh. But I"d have taken that before I set off so can"t be too bad.  Thanks to ChezGer and sky for the seat.

Roll on 2012..........
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2011, 21:23:23 PM »
Good luck with the blog Glenn, look forward to reading it.


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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2011, 21:57:48 PM »
Drinking lager and playing poker is not a good combination Glenn, how many times have a told you this.  ;D
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2011, 22:10:19 PM »

Drinking lager and playing poker is not a good combination Glenn, how many times have a told you this.  ;D

It worked for you in Vegas didn"t it?? I was just copying one of my poker heroes  ;D

While on the subject of Vegas, it did strike me when the APAT tourney was down to the last couple of tables that the quality of APAT player is now probably as good as it has ever been. It"s great to see a great bunch of people developing their games together and the way the APAT community support each other and offer encouragement is excellent. Pretty sure we"ll see some breakthrough performances in 2012. Vegas was fantastic and I hope we can all repeat it again at some point in the future.
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2011, 22:56:44 PM »

Drinking lager and playing poker is not a good combination Glenn, how many times have a told you this.  ;D

It worked for you in Vegas didn"t it?? I was just copying one of my poker heroes  ;D

Micky, can you be more specific please. If not larger, should you drink beer? Or is Guinness better?

Micky knows about these things y"know Glen.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2011, 00:44:24 AM »
Good luck in 2012 mate and the blog. Happy Christmas in the meantime and see you in Brighton. :)
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2011, 23:32:27 PM »
Nice start to the blog and the poker Glenn, looking forward to more of the same :)
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2011, 23:27:12 PM »
I have a work Christmas lunch tomorrow so I won"t be venturing up to DTD for the Monte Carlo weekend. I like attending these events whenever I can even if it"s just to play some side events, as there is always a great atmosphere and of course a great gathering of the poker community. But I"ll be keeping a special eye on the updates on Saturday as both Danny and Joe are playing.

I have really enjoyed following their progress and remember our home games when Danny was 13 and Joe a couple of years older. Danny in particular took a real interest in the game from an early age, playing freerolls on one table while having the big stakes full tilt tables on the other side of the screen. He would play back hands constantly to see what Ivey and co were raising and bluffing with. At that age you soak up all the information and Danny became a formidable mtt player online very quickly.

For his 18th birthday I took Danny to DTD for the weekend, and his dad (my brother) Rick came along as well as Joe. It was a sign of things to come as he proceeded to take down his very first tourney, a £75 buy in for £1,800 I think. Duke and Ger junior joined the birthday weekend so a good time was guaranteed.

Some of you my remember Danny came 4th in the last Monte Carlo cashing for £19k. He had already won a UKIPT side event a month earlier for £12k, ad has continued to cash regularly since including making the last two tables of the GUKPT Grand Final a couple of weeks ago for a £5k cash.

Joe has had a good year too, with victory in last months Fox Poker Club monthly £300 for a cash in excess of £10k. His game has really come on in the last couple of years and of course they constantly discuss and review hands together and also have a great group of friends who all approach the game in a similar way.

So fingers crossed for some run good this weekend, and may this continue into next year. I know it"s just a card game but when they are running deep in a big event I"m always very proud! Of course, they"ll never be as good as me and I"ll remind them of that at every opportunity  ;D ;D ;D
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2011, 21:01:02 PM »
Really enjoying this so far m8, I look forward to a whole bunch more in 2012

See you in Brighton  :)
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2011, 23:00:45 PM »
See you in Brighton Ian, should be a great weekend.

Just checked my bets today. Goals galore coupon no good. I like the bet (both teams to score) and had a good year on it last season. Have struggled this year though. Got a nice surprise checking my Scoop 6 ticket - did the bet on a whim today and managed to get the place bet up for just over £200. Christmas shopping tomorrow so that was well timed!

Looking forward to the Froch fight tonight. Apparently Joe has a friend who is the double of Carl Froch, and for months they got VIP treatment in a club in London as a result! Hope the real one wins tonight, going to have a few quid on him on SkyBet.
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2011, 09:10:42 AM »
Froch never really got going, and Jim Watt was really tilting me with his commentary. Dropped a few quid on the fight but not a lot.

On a brighter note Danny made good progress on day 1 of the Monte Carlo. ending the day with 133,000. A long way to go but he"s put himself in with a chance. Joe busted last level of the day.

Christmas shoppping today, then lunchtime drink following Tighty"s updates.
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Re: A Year (and a couple of weeks) In Poker!
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2011, 12:25:15 PM »

Good luck in 2012 mate and the blog. Happy Christmas in the meantime and see you in Brighton. :)


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