Author Topic: Toe'd in the Hole  (Read 39308 times)

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Re: Its a Fresh begining!!!
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2009, 17:32:11 PM »
tried to get a "live" game with the Liverpool lot but I guess Chezger"s reputation preceeded it. Anyway hope to arrange one for a little later on.

Great thread -- good read - priceless


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Re: Its a Fresh begining!!!
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2009, 07:28:30 AM »
Well after the Dissapointment of being shot down in flames by Des on a recent post - i thought i"d Cheer myself up and play another NLH MTT - Which was only my second time playing NLH since the online championship disaster!

But once again - managed to cash (all be it not enough to cover my Buy in), i finished 11th out of 105 runners and probably made a bit of a mistake that lead to me being crippled!

At this point we are playing 6 handed - and are two spots away fom the final table - Heres what happened and then i"ll explain what i am thinking!

Utg +1 Rasies to 2000 (blinds are 500/1k) and he has about 2500 behind and i am on the Button with about 14k and I have  :as: jh and push it all in to try to Isolate the one player who has min-rasied for half of his stack, who i have seen turn over some marginal hands to say the least, so i am confident that it is a race or I have him dominated - But i wasnt Happy when the BB - calls my All in with about 1K less than me!!

Anyway UTG +1 Has  ah  8c, I have :as: jh and the BB has  th td , with the  ts in the Window on the flop and i am crippled and Go out 2 hands later with a suited K10.

The reasons i did what i did (shoving) was that i belived that i had the UTG +1 Player beat and i didnt want to smooth call and allow the blinds in cheap as this would have been a disaster and weak (plus I had had some succes in Stealing this particular BB), I was also thinking that even if i am beat by UTG +1 i"ll still have 10k and have a good shot at winning ( the chip leader at this point had 40K) and this is one of the things that i have changed in my Approach to NLH - Whats the point of playing unless your playing to win!!!!

So i Ship it and get a bit unlucky to have the BB wake up with a big hand, but i was happy enough with the way that i played and also i think that cutting down the number of hours that i am playing makes me a better player when i do play!!

Anyway - off to work now - i gotta fund my Cider/Poker habits somehow!!

Have a good day All!

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Re: Its a Fresh begining!!!
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2009, 09:27:06 AM »
Pretty standard hand there (though dont know what UTG expected to achieve with his half stack min raise??). Ul to run into a big hand in the BB, so minus the ace you were an underdog. You could have easily won that hand and been well up there.
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Re: Its a Fresh begining!!!
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2009, 16:50:51 PM »
I was happy with how i played the Hand!! I was thinking about folding AJ on the button - But that is againts my new Philosophy!

Jus Unlucky to run into a Big Hand in the BB
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Re: Its a Fresh begining!!!
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2009, 08:14:19 AM »
Well It is Now two weeks Since my Self imposed Online Poker Sabbatical - and the Wheels have finally come off!

I would now say that i am ready to put in some NLH Table time ahead of the National league starting, If i am honest i am starting to miss it - Don"t get me wrong - i have enjoyed playing Omaha and Stud but the variance sucks at Omaha and Stud is just too slow!

Just to give you some Figures - I have played approx 25 Omaha Sng <$5 for a total profit of $9 and i probably have played about 10 hours of Stud 10/20c for a profit of about $1.20 per hour!!! although i am winning - it is just not Holdem so i am going Back.

Those that have read this Know that i have already played some NLH so its not like i gave it up really - but i have only Played 3 NLH games over the last two weeks - 2xMTT and a 20 man SnG all of which i managed to cash in (SnG i won), so with those solid results behind me i feel it is now time to not just dip the toe in but to fully immerse my self into the game again!!

So with that in mind i will be fireing up several Accounts and Playing NLH all Day - I"ll keep a record of everything that i play today and post Later so people can see how i am getting on!!

Good luck all!

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Re: Two Weeks In!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2009, 19:08:30 PM »
Just a Little Update on the NLH - I played 3 MTT"s Yesterday Crashed out early in two ($2 Buy in) and had a final Table for $57 ($5 buy in) in the Middle of the two crashouts!

All in all i feel alot more comfortable playing MTT"s now, as compared to When i played the national - i seem to be concentrating more and not panicking when i get short or even not worrying so much about getting My money from behind or with big draws!! or even getting knocked out. (as long as i dont make stuoid mistakes or play weak then i will be happy!!!)

What i plan on doing for the next week or so is to play one MTT a day until the national as well as playing a bit of cash!!!
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Re: Two Weeks In!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2009, 07:21:49 AM »
It Allways Makes me laugh this time of year when i see a Mass of New Forumites all begging to buy A ticket for a Seat at walsall!! All these people so desperate to get a seat that they are willing to Offer a percentage of themselves should they win!!

My Suggestion to those people that do not have tickets is, maybe, like most of the other people that are desperate for tickets is to either be aware that there is a clickfest - or try and Satelite in!! Rather than just turn up and beg for a seat!! it unbecoming!!

I havent played any poker at all since Sunday, when APAT took over the 6kgtd on the I Poker network, Chippacrual, Luckybuger, Loggie 66 and myself all took to the virtual felt looking for a deep run! and if i recall i went the deepest but none of us managed to cash - I came 215 of 1900+ runners just shy of the Money when i got it all in on the flop with bottom Pair and a flush draw, only to be called by top pair (i got crippled a few hands earlier when pocket 8"s lost a flip!)!

I seem to be playing better in recent weeks - not to sure what to put it down to - maybe just less Time at the felt - I have started to cash regularly - i"d say 1.5/4 Mtts i"ll cash but i am just not picking up enough Deep Deep Finishes!! which i hope to remedy!!

Looking forward to the national"s,

Roll on Poker Sundays!!!

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Re: Two Weeks In!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2009, 07:26:11 AM »
1) i am Looking for a new Name for my Blog and am struggling to think of anything to call it! ( i am open to suggestion)

2) Don"t you hate a miss Click!!

The reason that i mention the Above is that due to a miss click last night i managed to burn through a whole buy in, I was playing 5/10 NLH and Had just Sat Down at the Table and waited for the BB - which so far is standard - Anyway the hand in question came only 5 hands latter when I am dealt Kc Jc in the hi-jack seat and after several limper"s - i decide i like the limp too - i know i should be raising - but we don"t always do what we know - We see a flop after no Raise and I have position over the field, Flop Ah, Kd, 3s and it is checked around to me - at this point - i am trying to get the BBC to show me the football Scores and as i wait for the page to load - My table opens - just as i am about to click Play on the radio - and this happens to be in in the same position on the screen as the All in Button!!!!!!! so with 48c in the Pot - i make a massive over raise to $9.85 due to the miss click (i always planned to bet this flop if it is checked as normally any Ace would come in raising) and promptly get called by a Set of threes and there Goes that Buy in!!!!!!

As a result of the Above i Have Taken the Added precaution of now having to approve any all-in actions - but the good news is that i did manage to get the buy in back and i didn"t tilt because of it!!!
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Toe in the Hole
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2009, 16:54:02 PM »
The new Name for the Blog

As chosen by cincycrappykid is

Toe in the Hole
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Re: Toe in the Hole
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2009, 17:12:33 PM »
Not, Toe"d in the hole?
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Re: Toe in the Hole
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2009, 18:03:02 PM »

The new Name for the Blog

As chosen by cincycrappykid is

Toe in the Hole

Not, Toe"d in the hole?

Now i am even More Confused - !!

Whichone - you decied???
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Re: Toe in the Hole
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2009, 18:37:56 PM »
European Online Silver Medalist 2009
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2009, 19:39:11 PM »
The Tittle has been Chosen and will remain forever more.

I just noticed that the Welsh online Championship is on the same weekend as i am away, a friend of mine id getting married soon and its the stag weekend - and if i am honest i am a bit gutted to be missing it really - even after all i said about giving them a miss - i am feeling confident again and sure i will be able to satellite in - oh well still plenty more medal chances in the future -  However the stag weekend is gonna be a blast and i have never been to Antwerp before either! I am looking forward to the pre Stag poker game next Friday and as i haven"t played any "real" poker for a while it should be a giggle!

Anyway back to now - Just about too kick back - play a few Tourney"s - and have a few ciders!

Happy Day"s

North London FTW
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2009, 09:00:10 AM »
We have Had the First online Championship, we have the first Live Event Next weekend and TODAY - we have the Start of APAt members meat and drink for the next year - The National League starts today! Woop Woop

I for one am very much looking forward to getting stuck into this and as i have never played for a team (at poker that is - i am fortunate to have been quite a good footballer - but that"s for a different time). it will be good to keep an eye out on how the other team members are getting on!!

Anyway - i go into the league with a little bit of form having Taken down a massive tourney last night - check this out!!! Pacific Poker Micro stakes £1+10!!! 135 Runners for $40 - it might not be massive but a win is a win!!! and winning breads confidence and bearing in mind that i had given up NLH it is good to see that i can still win the Odd tourney!

So plans for today - Federer V.s Nadal!! Should be a cracker - then round the mother in-laws for Dinner and The Chelsea v Liverpool game and then back in time for a cuppa and the national league!!!

I love Sundays

Get in there - NL FTW  
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2009, 10:12:40 AM »
Congrats on your $40 win Rubertoe.