Author Topic: Toe'd in the Hole  (Read 40122 times)

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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2009, 21:55:50 PM »
Having read on here that Eck was recommending this book, I bought at the start of Feb. It gave me confidence going to Walsall where I played my best and most confident poker. It"s a great read, I hope you enjoy.


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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #61 on: March 16, 2009, 18:15:24 PM »

Having read on here that Eck was recommending this book, I bought at the start of Feb. It gave me confidence going to Walsall where I played my best and most confident poker. It"s a great read, I hope you enjoy.

I have Started this Book and already it is helping, by thinking more about ranges and reading flop texture!! I"ll let you know if it REALLY helps though...or like most things you find that only really you can change your ways!!!

League game like Most All this year so far have been a rather drab affair - Manage to start of OK and build a nice stack - through some tight aggression - man i am tight as well (something i am trying to loosen up and maybe at the route of my troubles) - and then manage to loose half of it with AQ Vs a shortish stacks QQ - and then couldn"t find away back (to tight).... pushed for 3k when blinds 150 -300 a25 - with 88 from the Cutoff  - got called by the BB (whom I"d doubled) to finish me off with 10,10... bye out in 30th!

best result so far 19th in round 3 - MUST DO BETTER!!!

Any way my focus turns to the WCOAP - and which if any satellite to play - I Really want to play all the events and if i can SAT in - then it means that there will be more money for the trip and that can only be a good thing - the next thing to consider - which to play - $20 1in10 - $10 1in20 - $5 re-buy 1in??

Probably them all - But a man has gotta do what man has gotta do!
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #62 on: March 18, 2009, 07:02:37 AM »
I didn"t play in the $20 sat but i did play last nights $10 - yet to no avail! out in 20th after being Card dead all night - the best hand i saw was 99 all night - but them"s the breaks!!

I wont be playing in the re-buy tonight - i need to conserve the BSq Roll for the League games - so i will be clickfesting in to the ME and the Horse.

Plan for the week -
Wednesday - Work - 6th Anniversary (must not forget card and flowers)
Thursday - Work - Poker - Click-fest - Poker
Friday - Work - Weekend Starts- few beers - Home Game @ 8 - No Click-fest
Sat - shopping - Rugby - Poker - Click-fest - poker
Sun - Poker - Dinner round the In-laws - chillaxation

I may well pop online for a few minutes @ 9pm on Friday but - i may well be begging for a PLO seat in a few weeks - Also it depends on which day ME seat i get - if its Friday then i will play the PLO - subject to a seat - if not then the ME and the Horse! Gotta keep the budget to a min - i am having a hard time convincing the missus that it is gonna be great!
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #63 on: March 19, 2009, 07:06:26 AM »
Clickfest tonight - My fastest finger better not let me down!!!

I"ll be here at 8:55 refreshing away - waiting for that all important link - for those ten minutes 8:55 - 9:05 - a lot of us will enter the twilight zone where the only thing that matters in inputting financial details onto a screen and pressing enter - but what a strange 10 minutes they are!!!!

DO NOT DISTRURB BETWEEN 8:55pm and 9:05 PM!!!
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #64 on: March 20, 2009, 06:57:55 AM »
I"m in!!! Woohoo!!!

I thought that the Seats would sell out pretty quickly - they do in general but alas - i was able to get a ME Seat - Not going to bother with the PLO now as have chosen Saturday as the preferred Start day - however i am still planning on traveling to Nottingham on the Friday so i can get to go to the card room before the ME starts!!

Probably, i will still try for the HORSE click fest tomorrow and hopefully that will be paid for out of tonight"s Home game winnings!!! ;D

10p20p Cash Game, 7-2 rule in play, Stradles, Dealers Choice and 150 BB max buy in - and a fairly tough game to beat!!! But i do have home field advantage!!!!
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #65 on: March 21, 2009, 09:56:22 AM »
Last nights Home game could have been better - i was pretty card dead all evening - 6hours worth and got no action on any of my big hands - so recorded a small loss for the night!

It was a good evening and i think by the end of the evening a few people were a couple of buy ins up/down, and i think that the two newbies had a good time as well!!

Plan for today is to watch a lot of Rugby Union with the odd blue square tourney! I have also been thinking of closing my account and moving the money to another site - Would most suggest Stars???
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #66 on: March 26, 2009, 16:59:50 PM »
Thanks for all the Suggestions Guys!!!

Anyway Just a Litlle Dity to keep the Blog going before i actually write anything relevant!

God Grant me the serenity
to fold the flops i dont hit,
courage to bet the flops that i do hit,
and the wisdom to know the difference!
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #67 on: April 01, 2009, 17:50:17 PM »
Good Luck to all those that are playing in the Welsh APAT event this weekend - It will be a blast and i"m sure that it will be just as eventful as Walsall!!!!

I will be at a friend that i have known for 20 years (I"m only 29) wedding! And i am gonna be ratted!! but anyway Tanya will be there so i am sure that she will keep be in check!!

What ever your Doing - i hope you have a good weekend!?! ;D ;D
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #68 on: April 08, 2009, 16:59:02 PM »
I have Now finished "winning Poker Tournies one hand at a time" rizen et al.

If anyone would like me to forward this on to them (unless Eck has changed his mind and wants it back) then PM me your address and i will forward this on to you!

Only one Provision - when you are done with it you forward it on to someone!

Let me know

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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #69 on: April 08, 2009, 17:47:45 PM »
pm"d you
Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D


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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #70 on: April 08, 2009, 18:23:44 PM »

pm"d you

On its way rob.... Dont you love that name, it has a ring to it!!! ;D ;D

Now with nothing to read anyone out there wanna lend me "daniel negreanu"s power hold"em strategy"!!

PM me if your interested - or have got anything you dont mind lending!?

I have faith that someone will come through...  ::)
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #71 on: April 10, 2009, 11:25:28 AM »
Easter Weekend is here - Gotta love that!!

I have had a pretty good start to the weekend so far - Played a Deepstack MTT on Pacific last night $5 1000gtd that i managed to finish third in for a nice healthy start to the weekend!! Unfortunately - i will have to miss the League game this weekend - but it is for a fairly good reason! the Annual Easter home game!!

I play a home game with the same group of guys not as often as I would like, probably about once every 6 weeks and this generally is the only "real poker" that i play, we always have the same discussion though about playing more regularly - once a fortnight - but it is quite difficult to pin down non serious players to a regular game - although there are few more whose interest in the game has grown over the last 6 months.. so this is something to address in the future!!

North London APATers - Sound me out - we can accommodate a few more people depending on the venue!! (just so you know this is small stakes game 10p/20p cash games and annual MTT to celebrate my B"Day)

As far as i am concerned you cant beat a good game of cards with friends that you love, over a few beers and some good food (it is a rule who ever is host feeds the others) - i find nothing makes me more content!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 11:27:26 AM by rubertoe »
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #72 on: April 23, 2009, 07:09:28 AM »
The Blog has taken a bit of a back seat recently as has my ability to make FT in MTTs!! I am focusing most of my time at the moment on MTT"s in preparation for my Assault on the Worlds!!

I manage to build a nice stack early on (well a playable stack anyhow) and then mostly in the middle to late stages prior to the bubble i blow it all by either trying to steal the blinds to much or by generally getting the money in against the short stack pushes and loosing either races or when i am either marginally ahead or marginally behind! AK - Vs Aj and KJ vs J8 are two examples from last nights MTT fail fests!!

Oh well perservereence is the Key and if i am one thing it is a stubborn *******!

I have a weeks holiday from the rat race next week so will play between 4-10 MTTs a day probably (in between decorating and cooking) and Detail all of this here -

Time to resurrect the Blog
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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #73 on: April 23, 2009, 10:46:56 AM »


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Re: Toe'd in the Hole
« Reply #74 on: April 24, 2009, 07:09:08 AM »
I had a bit of free (me) time yesterday evening, Which inevitably meant Poker.

However i took two Beats from some donkey who called my all in shove with 93 off vs my AK ( i was button - he was SB - blinds 50/100 - i had about 1800 - he had 1500) and then beats my AT two hands later when he calls another All in from me with 32 and proceeds to ruin my night!!

PC was off and i was tilting big style!

Oh well back to the game tonight!! ;D
Lifes tough, its even tougher when your stupid

North London Poker Club