Author Topic: Tales of the Honeybadger  (Read 371817 times)

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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1530 on: December 28, 2011, 22:30:11 PM »
Lewis in great form on the doubles but only averaging 95.94.
Anderson looking super dodgy averaging 93.61 - albeit 11 180s and some good finishing.

Lewis looks like he could up his game - and now the favourite.

Hopefully Jenkins can close out his match (with a 100+ average) - Pipe playing well too.

Wasn"t overly impressed by Whitlock in the battle of the injured darts players - great average in his round 1 "time trial" but too short a match and no pressure.

Van Gerwen could take out Whitlock - but I cannot see either winning the championship.

Feels like Wade is getting a freeroll in his quarter!

Looks like Jenkins will need to dig deep - edgy.



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1531 on: December 29, 2011, 02:01:38 AM »
It"s all looking pretty exciting ATM.

Lloyd and Jenkins both played well IMO. I missed a bet on Lloyd, fell for the hype of Rand who I hadn"t heard much of plus I knew you had backed Rand. Agreed he seemed to clown around which was a surprise from someone who"s just turned pro. Bet his sponsors loved it. Not. The 167 crushed him though.

Good luck with your positions Louis. Don"t be too greedy though ;)
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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1532 on: December 29, 2011, 12:08:27 PM »
I think that I need to be greedy ... I need to hold on to Jenkins vs Lewis.

If Chisnall cannot beat Hamilton then I deserve nothing!

Rand - the 167 was the killer - I think he would have won from 2-2 - but Lloyd is the solid pro.

Rand going Pro - I didn"t buy into all the guff about how he shouldn"t have taken on the "arduous" trip to Hull to sign forms - but he had to turn up with his game head on. In the players Championship he averaged 98 for the tournament - he just needed to keep that going.

I would have laid him vs Anderson - but sadly didn"t have the chance.

Even when Lloyd was 2-1 up he was 4/5 to win - I could have escaped with light damage there.

My current position is :

Field -£318
Chisnall + £4910
Jenkins + £4913

I could take some profits - but what the hell - charge onwards.



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1533 on: December 29, 2011, 17:35:34 PM »
Van Gerwen looks like a tremendous bet at 3.45 to beat Whitlock ... looks like a coin toss to me albeit Van Gerwen has a little to find on the averages.

Whitlock great in Round 1 against a weak opponent but made hard going to defeating Steve Beaton.

Annoyed that I didn"t bet the value shots Part and Huybrechts today - Huybrechts in particular was a value coin toss vs Nicholson.

Colin Lloyd might push Gary Anderson very close tonight too - but I suspect Gary might wake up just in time!

Tremendous tournament - laptop needs to come with me for some post dinner Sky-Go watching!


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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1534 on: December 29, 2011, 18:09:33 PM »

Van Gerwen looks like a tremendous bet at 3.45 to beat Whitlock ... looks like a coin toss to me albeit Van Gerwen has a little to find on the averages.

Whitlock great in Round 1 against a weak opponent but made hard going to defeating Steve Beaton.

Annoyed that I didn"t bet the value shots Part and Huybrechts today - Huybrechts in particular was a value coin toss vs Nicholson.

Colin Lloyd might push Gary Anderson very close tonight too - but I suspect Gary might wake up just in time!

Tremendous tournament - laptop needs to come with me for some post dinner Sky-Go watching!

I think the favs will all win tonight, but I will have a small wager on Lloyd because I think that one is v close. I thought Part would beat Painter on past history and the Belgian would beat Nicholson on form so whilst my eye is in I will back a few of the apparant value bets. I can"t see Van Gerwin beating Whitlock though. No value there IMO.
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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1535 on: December 30, 2011, 09:44:44 AM »
Van Gerwen stumbled out of the traps ... but getting back to 3-3 saved me £159 on the handicap +1.5 sets!

Chisnall never really left the traps and was owned by Hamilton - fair play to him - played brilliantly - disappointing.

Roll up Jenkins to beat Lewis - I feel nervous for this one - crucial darts.



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1536 on: December 31, 2011, 16:02:37 PM »

Gutted about Jenkins" loss to Lewis ... super value bet ... but no dice.

Lewis flew out but fair play to Jenkins for holding on and grinding it out, then a coin flip from 3-3.

Very close to a lot of potential money ... Next Year!



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1537 on: December 31, 2011, 16:15:23 PM »
Poker Review of the Year - 2011

Good on Betfair:

Poor on Pokerstars:

Although playing the Warm Up and other massive field events lends itself to a negative unless you go really deep.

Face to face :

Final Tables in the early part of the year - when the running was good.

Failed to build when the running was poorer.

Not sure what the review of 2012 will look like??

Read an article by Johnny Lodden the other day - most of it was about boom and bust then rebuilding - but the part that caught my eye was the increasing difficulty of making any consistent money in poker.

It"s a bit of a thought - huge amount of time being spent for very low expected returns albeit with the potential for massive winning spikes.

It the massive spike that keeps me going and will shape what I play going forward.

Very hopeful that the Genting Tour will freshen me up.

Vegas tempting - but very full business commitments to balance.

Happy New Year!



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1538 on: January 01, 2012, 15:16:50 PM »
2012 - Here we go again ...

1/1/2012 - Sunday Warm Up - It is my favourite tournament by far albeit it has driven me mad at times.

Time to get a major cash - FTW.



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1539 on: January 01, 2012, 16:35:26 PM »
Warmup a bit short of it"s guaranteed so far tonight - only $378k from buyins v $500k GTD. Valyoo!

Go win it Louis!


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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1540 on: January 01, 2012, 16:42:51 PM »
Nice play with the almost pot-sized bet on the end Louis ... you rep"d the 7 well ... (after leading out on flop)


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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1541 on: January 01, 2012, 19:20:08 PM »
Been a real struggle since ... with a mixture of no cards and average play ... however 22 BB with just over 1000 runners left ... 450 paid ... Nice double up with AK vs AJ ... but only 2/3 the average ...



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1542 on: January 01, 2012, 19:45:04 PM »
... and dead in two cuts vs the same player on consecutive hands ...

Hand one probably lost the min with 44 into 654 vs A7 suited which turned the straight - could have tried to kill the hand on the flop but looking to milk the set vs what was an under the gun limp ...

Next hand I raise in the SB with K2 - called : flop K99 (two spades) - I bet half the pot looking to get them all in - he duly obliges with T7 of spades but spikes the 3 of spades on the turn.

It"s the point of the tournament where you need to get chips together so a value added 64% looks good to me but no joy.

907th of 3100 runners - a cruel theme flopping sets and getting ousted.



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1543 on: January 04, 2012, 21:48:02 PM »
New favourite website:

Three days NIL poker.



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Re: Tales of the Honeybadger
« Reply #1544 on: January 08, 2012, 13:01:41 PM »
Back to London ...

My poker playing so far this year has extended to a whole 3 hours in last Sunday"s Warm Up ...

Currently on the train - currently 15 mins late so would need to be a late entrant if I gain inpiration on the way!?!

I decided to keep a log of hours this year for :


At the moment excercise is narrowly beating poker ...
Sleep is narrowly beating work ...

I guess these both might reverse pretty soon!

On the attack in the BDO darts - time to land an outsider!